If you ever have the oportunity to look down into the internals of a Rocket, you will understand the clunk....it looks more like the inside of a Peterbuilt.

Maybe coincidental but my "whining" went away after installing the K&N's

I have the K&Ns, TORs, GI pro with ATRE, pc3, cat eliminator bypass header but have not noticed much difference in sound quality (a bit deeper toned and more "raw" from the TORs perhaps)...of course...I'm half deaf;).
Seems like my bike shifts smoother after I pulled the banjo and greased the rear driveshaft splines. Could be my imagination, but I know some chain drive bikes shift better with the chain adjusted correctly....
Just joined the group and I'm trawling through the threads for interesting stuff.

The clunk seems to be a common characteristic although my current late 06 Classic is not as clunky as the first one I had (early 06). All the gear changes are OK, there's just the occasional problem of not finding neutral easily.
Almost all the strange noises my R3 was making went away with the K&N's and TOR's. :rolleyes: lol
Just because you cant hear it it does not mean is not there, or is that an excuse to ignore everything and everybody??:D:D
There isn't a **** thing I can do about it until something fails ... since that is the case, I'd rather not even know about it.
Years ago a car stereo shop here ran ads asking if you were tired of hearing expensive sounding clunks and bangs from your car..........
Since I put the TORs on I'm certainly hearing a lot less mechanical noise.
If you drove your car from a seat on the intake manifold you might hear alot of disturbing engine noise there too.
Several years ago, one of the bike mags had an article explaining why transmissions clunk. I cannot remember exactly what their definition was but it had to do with the size o fthe clutcdh and clutch plate seperation. I know this is not much to go on but is all my old feeble mind can remember. :D