Clunking Crutch I Mean Clutch

Ausie Rocket

Standard Bore
Feb 10, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
Does anyone know what my problem is?

When I come to a stop (cluch in and pulling up) I have a serious clunking going on. It seems the rear wheel turning with clutch in is grabbing and slipping creating a awful sound and grab/slip sensation.

I've adjusted the cluch up and it seems to get better but then the clutch slips when powering on (flattening it) in top gear.

Can any one help or has anyone experienced this before.

Cheers Rick
Yeah, I had this bloody problem right before I had to have my bike tore down for a torsional damper bearing problem. BUT don't worry! It could be nothing more than a weak clutch cable or worn clutch parts.

What is your mileage, mods and how often do you use the clutch (lots for city, not much for highway)?

You might have made the bracket holding the clutch cable up the engine case bend with use. Try adjusting the cable at the bracket about a half inch higher or 10mm. Readjust the cable at the hand control accordingly to compensate. This keep the cable tighter without going to the limits of adjustment at the hand lever. You can also try moving the clutch arm back one notch for same effect.

If you can't get proper clutch adjustment that way then the next place I'd look is inside the clutch. Your thrush washer, bearings or something could be overly worn.

You may also have a bad clutch cable but they don't go bad often. I'd look more at the other clutch components and replace the cable if there isn't anything else wrong.

If the bike is under warranty be sure to have the dealer troubleshoot. They may determine you need more work than clutch stuff.
Thanks Rocketman I'll check these things out.
The bike was crashed, I got it at auction and have rebuilt it.

I may have got something wrong or something may still be bent from the crash. I will investigate the things you have mentioned or get it to a mechanic before I do some real damage.

Other than the clutch issue it goes like a rocket.


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