Clicking Noise in the Rear Wheel

I'm currently in the process of fixing this same problem. Got the bike tore apart last night. Hope to make progress putting it back together tonight.
Still have to get the old bearings out. Hoping it's the same problem. I'm happy I found this post. I need to get some Moly grease and loctite on the way home tonight.

You have three links there, that to me all look like the same thing. And by inference, it looks as though they will work on a Rocket III.

Might you provide more context, perhaps even a part cross-reference, so someone looking at their manual could refer to your post and see directly what needs to be ordered, please ?

Well here we go again.

I'm currently on the return leg of a 7000 kilometre tour of western Canada and pulled into Winnipeg where I noticed the same clicking noise from the rear wheel. Same noise rolling forward or backward. I've got 1400 more kilometres of travel. Looks like a bearing is just starting to go. No grease leaking out yet. Got to take a chance and try to get her home. I have replacement bearings already on the shelf, considering I already had a rear wheel failure last year. This rim and bearings only have 16000 kilometres on them.

During the trip I ordered an Exedra Max from Echo Cycle in Edmonton which included the installation. While they were replacing the tire, they cut the bead ruining the tire. They switched the tire for a Metzler to get me on my way. Makes you wonder?

I'll post some pics of the trip... if I get home.
Hope she hangs together for you. My rear wheel bearings went south a few years ago. I noticed I could barley turn them when I had the wheel out for a tire change. Since then I don't cramp down the axle bolt anymore. Finger tight then maybe a quarter turn. I think cranking on the nut to hard crushes the center tube and allows the outer bearing races to hit the bottom of their pocket thus putting unwanted side load on them. Just a theory, like arseholes, everyone has one.
YES as on autos you will ruin wheel bearigs with improper clearance from overtightning
Well I got home with no issues except for the clicking noise. Funny the noise seems to get worse as the bike warms up.

Pulled the wheel off. Differential and axle splines were good. All the bearings looked good too but I changed them anyway. All the spacers were in place so can't blame the dealer on any of this. The 2 bearings on the wheel were very stiff and could only be turned with a bar placed in them. When I got them out, they felt smooth and spun fine fine. The only other issue I noticed was the cush drive to rear wheel attachment point which was extremely dry of lubricant. There was some galling where those two parts meet around the "O" ring. Polished everything up, lubed and reinstalled spacers. Torqued the axle nut to 75 ft lbs instead of 81 like manual says.

Everything runs well now. No more noises.

I didn't have a blind bearing puller for the wheel bearings so I made one. I'll make a new post for those interested.