Nothing special. You can go as cheap/simple or expensive/high tech as you like.

I went to AUTOZONE and bought a CODE READER, it was the cheapest one they had at $59.95. The directions said to plug it in and then turn on the key. That is exactly what I did. Do not start engine. It said READ on the screen but that was it. It showed nothing, I pushed the erase button and it did not erase whatever was wrong. It acted like it was neve hooked up. It has a "SYSTEM STATUS" series of thee lights on it, none came on. Should I try to start the motor? I don't want to hurt something. I am completely lost with electronic stuff.

My code reader only has 4 pins on the top and 5 on the bottom.
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Nothing special. You can go as cheap/simple or expensive/high tech as you like.

I also have a code problem my ABS light stays took it to the dealership .
they still cannot clear the code after 3 weeks they do not have a clue apparently !!! they claim to have talked to TRIUMPH !! frustration is my middle name at the moment
the ring and a bolt holding the ring were changed originally due to some warping but it did not change the situation about the light problem
anyone has some ideas ?
Try it on your car. See if works there first.

It worked in my car after I started the car. I went to try to start the Rocket with the Code Reader plugged in right after I got back from a 20 mile
ride. When I started it the light went off without me doing anything! Who am I to question it, I am just happy. Thanks for your help.