Clean your bobbins!! (Front brake retainer servicing...)


.020 Over
Aug 12, 2023
'07 Riii Touring
G'day all, quick recap - bought a wrecked '07 Riii, rebuilt and now riding regularly)

Took the Riii out on a back roads ride a week or two ago - lots of corners and sweeps - very nice - and my brake lever was pulsing like crazy, yep, definitely warped disks . . i had suspected, but . . not confirmed.

Fast forward to yesterday when I checked the bobbins on the front brake - they were SOLID - no a thousand of an inch movement!
- one interesting fact, they seem to be riveted on, not spring clip of bolt like every other bike I've had . . . odd.

So, today, I gave them a bath in brake cleaner, and using a stainless easy-out and lots more brake cleaner, I spun them very slowly while spraying the cleaner.
Once they loosened up, I kept going until the cleaner ran out 'clean'

Repeat for each bobbin on BOTH sides.

Took out for a test ride - AMAZING! these things have VERY good brakes! I never really felt confident with it - it always felt 'off' - not anymore!

So, quick tip - give you bobbins a clean and spin every oil change - this will fill in the 5 mins it takes for the oil to empty, AND leave you with a better feeling front end!

Rather than use an easy out, I used a small machine bolt and nut snugged up, then spun with a drill. Mine were tight but not seized. Also got rid of a slight brake pulse. One of a number of items not addressed in the manual for service but .... Think of the poor fellow who will spend their hard earned cash to replace the rotors when all they need is some love... Thanks for the reminder.

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