These heatshields are extremely beautiful, now I wish I would have waited 3 months more... I feel that with this newest version of the headers+heatshield, CES is finally offering the ultimate system. Mine are very good too, but these heatshields... :inlove:inlove:inlove
The ones on the pipes are my design and the collector one was theirs, but I added to it, I think it's a great combo and hey certainly did a fantastic job.
Cheers Pete
In the meantime I finished my own self-made heatshield for the lower part of the headers. It's made from a second collector heat shield, so it's identical to the one right behind it, but it was cut. The ones at the top are from CES.


It was a PITA to mount this, but really worth the time. Heat is totally acceptable now.
The ones on the pipes are my design and the collector one was theirs, but I added to it, I think it's a great combo and hey certainly did a fantastic job.
Cheers Pete
I am getting ready to purchase a set of their headers and exhaust and I wanted to go the same route but they are telling me that they will not do the collector heat shield for overseas orders that they need the bike to put that heat shield on but I am not sure why. They should all be the same I would think! But I still like their design over the Carpenter's just because they are tighter to the motor, less chance of burning my leg and they can be ordered at least with the two rear tube heat shields.
ThingKing, I like that heat shield that you fabbed up and installed! That looks good and if she if functional that makes it all the better!!! So you just got an extra shield from a stock exhaust system and cut it up? How did you end up attaching it to the exhaust??? Good Job!!!
Hi did you as Trevor about it? I can't see why they won't I think they were made for the roadster? I haven't fitted mine up as yet ( bad back) I may have to move the rear master cylinder out a bit about 15 mm but I have a spacer made up all ready. When I fit them I will post a pic and show how I did the spacer.
Hi did you as Trevor about it? I can't see why they won't I think they were made for the roadster? I haven't fitted mine up as yet ( bad back) I may have to move the rear master cylinder out a bit about 15 mm but I have a spacer made up all ready. When I fit them I will post a pic and show how I did the spacer.
I have been emailing back and forth and Leslie has been the one that I have been communicating with. But yea, I have a roadster as well. Did you have your bike there when they made up your exhaust with collector heat shield???
No I live in Tassie about 2000 klms away and mine is a 2005 model so I may have to modify the rear master cylinder like I said with a spacer but that's no big deal.