When I picked up the bike from the shop initially they told me carp credited them 500 bucks for the spun cam, for whatever that is worth since as my shop said carp did something wrong. I didn't ask for more details though. I think the shop did a decent job, sh*t happens; I know carp would have done a better one though since it is what they do all day. Was never my intention to lay any sort of blame because I wasn't angry.
After the tune today, 180hp and bit under 150ft/lb keeping in mind that dyno's vary. For having stock headers and such I am pleased. Perhaps this winter I will look into Jardine system, but I have a 66 427 vette getting engine work and I am done spending money on the bike for a while! Besides, I have only 1200 miles on this bike and it's time for some riding. The tune fixed the low/mid RPM trouble totally. I don't have to ride the clutch to 2k leaving the light or downshift below 2k. HP is above 150 from 5k to 7500 (all the higher I had them go) and tq increased between 10-20ft/lb between the entire range but the largest gain was 2-3.5k thank goodness.