Carpenter racing

Is your name ****ing Steel ?
Well, Art certainly isn't steel but he has some increased insight into Carpenter Racing and without Bob himself getting on the forum, is probably the most qualified to answer all questions Carpenter Racing.

FYI, most don't realize it, but there is a way to clear over 245whp without changing pistons available from Carpenter, its not listed on the site .
They don't post one, but here is mine.

OK, I'll bite. How do you get 245 whp with low compression pistons? Must have to really turn the RPMs! I did notice that Mitzy's dyno put quite a bit more HP and torque through 6K rpm than Steel's dyno. Of course above that, Steel's bike really takes off. Why does the torque on Mitzy's bike drop above 6K and the Carp package stays constant? Would that have to do with the Carp pipes? Overall, very interesting showing on both bikes!
When I have my sheet in hand I'll post more, but, there are options out there not listed on the site.

The whole build will be different from any I have yet seen posted, but, it should be comptetive or slightly ahead of the 240 kit + sidewinder/brute setup. There is 1 other bike running what I am going to do, but, don't think the captain is on the forums.

Think about this....stock pistons are forged, short skirt, with anti-friction coatings already, so if you could "somehow" raise compression to ~9.5:1, and get 240+ N/A, you'd be in a mighty fine position to run 5-6 PSI of boost and crack 300whp with pump gas, low boost, and still have a pretty under stressed motor.

Still waiting on a turbo kit to be released for the ABS equipped roadster though. A disco potato (look it up), fitted properly would be an amazing match to the R3, use an electronic controller to shape the onset curve to be smooth and limit sub 3k RPM boost, and you'd have a nigh lag free turbo bike. This, if it happens, is a few years down the road though for me. Not sure I'll even want more than 245ish tbh.
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WELL are you looking to make max power and win races STEELS engine package will do the job and its also an excellent criusing setup easily outpacing any of the other engine packages
I'm curious why the newer bikes can make more power at lower rpms.
I'm curious why the newer bikes can make more power at lower rpms.
IT depends on the tuning the new bikes have a 7 K redline so they cant take advantage of the higher 9k redline and higher rpm HP
Hmm I swear I looked there! Ok good to go,except I know that when I talked to them on the phone and the problems with the pipes and the lack of Hp due to the lack of revs was true....a month ago.
Carpenter can give you 240 HP at 7k and even more on the bikes with the 9k rev limit
What are you guys doing for the suspension? that kind of power on an 800 lb bike sounds like the perfect recipe for a tankslapper.