Carpenter 240 pack

Cool. Between $3700 and $6200. Wish list. I do need more power. But its still a lot of fun on the highway. Love the torque. Reminds me of my Dodge Cummins.
Cool. Between $3700 and $6200. Wish list. I do need more power. But its still a lot of fun on the highway. Love the torque. Reminds me of my Dodge Cummins.
Kid, figure 1200+ for the pipes for making everything else work also plus misc parts, i figure by the time everything is said and done you need about %8,000:(
Actually, all of the engine kits can be done with the exhaust system of your choice. Those which do not incorporate a better, cleaner manifold design and/or a cat delete will sacrifice more of the power increases you are paying for than others.

Kid, you can still make some excellent power gains for much less $$$ by going the triple K&N, GiPro w/ATRE or removal of secondaries route. The least expensive, yet effective, exhaust upgrade would be to a set of Jardines (about $1000 new). Of course, doing the aforementioned will run you anywhere from about $5-600 to over $2K and will net you no more than between 140-155 rwhp, properly tuned, of course;).
Phil, what if a guy can't afford the pipes at the time of installing the kit? is there such a thing as adding the pipes later yourself and self tunning the bike or it will have to return to Carpenter for re tunning?:)
I know that Carpenter Racing dyno tunes their customer's bikes in order to optimize performance no matter what exhaust is used. Would they send you a TuneBoy tune at a later date when you add their Brute exhaust system yourself? Yes, they sure will.:cool:
just had 240 pack installed, been back all thou was told was ready,has computer/ running problem, not sure what the problem is have not been rideable since! you should REALLY P.M. me, I live in mid NY if you are looking for someplace to stay,as Carp. Race is aprox 4hrs from here and only open weekdays privet message me GARY
I hear the early PCV units had a problem. Not sure whats going on with yours Gary I am sure Bob wlll sort it out though.

I added their components to my Supercharged beast.

Man talk about power I can only say its like a cat shot on a aircraft carrier seems no end to the pulling power

I do not use the PCV yet thats next on the list, but then I do not have the smaller stock injectors in mine.
Fuel mileage went up to 38 mpg on the higway criuse from 30 with the TTS kit.

I did the instal myself as I am more then 700 miles from them. Someday I will get it there for some tuning and racing at atco.

our target hp was 3 hp per cubic inch 420 rwhp after that if the tranny can handle it I will turn the boost up more:D
Hi guys..

This is my first post so please bear with me.

I recently acquired a 2010 Roadster off a good friend.

He had changed to a set of Jardines Full system exhaust, added a GiPro ATRE and had the bike tuned on a Dyno with a PCV.

I love the ride, but was looking to do a little more.

Have been seriously contemplating the 210 or 240 option from Carpenter Racing.

I have a few questions though, and hope the riders here may enlighten me.

1) is it a very difficult install? (I have to rely on the local mechanics here insingapore to do it for me)

2) do I send my cylinder head and cams to Carpenter where thery'll do the work on my parts? And what time frame am I expecting to get it back?

3) with the additional bhp, does the bike become harder to ride at mortal speeds?

Looking forward to your advice. Thanks in advance!
Beast welcome to the forum!
Do yourself a favor, whichever kit you decide to go for, let them install it, they can tune your bike to the kit better than anybody else, :):)
Hi guys..

This is my first post so please bear with me.

I recently acquired a 2010 Roadster off a good friend.

He had changed to a set of Jardines Full system exhaust, added a GiPro ATRE and had the bike tuned on a Dyno with a PCV.

I love the ride, but was looking to do a little more.

Have been seriously contemplating the 210 or 240 option from Carpenter Racing.

I have a few questions though, and hope the riders here may enlighten me.

1) is it a very difficult install? (I have to rely on the local mechanics here insingapore to do it for me)

2) do I send my cylinder head and cams to Carpenter where thery'll do the work on my parts? And what time frame am I expecting to get it back?

3) with the additional bhp, does the bike become harder to ride at mortal speeds?

Looking forward to your advice. Thanks in advance!

Welcome Beast my advise would be to log onto the site and talk to Art "Imfasttoo" is his handle he does alot of work with carpenter and is the man with his finger on the pulse when it comes tho the 210-240+hp carp packages. Goodluck regards Mitch and welcome from Brisbane Australia

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