I got the 210 kit and Carpenter dynoed it at 230 HP. It came back with the throttle bodies devoid of air filtration. They threw away the intake runner plumbing. I'm not complaining, just giving you a heads up. But the bear claw was still in place, so I'm running it around the desert sucking unfiltered air for a couple days before I realized whats up. I fitted it with K&N RU 1760's. They're a tad smaller than what some Carpenter Captains run, but they are more than adequate. They also have a built in angle so they lean forward allowing knee room. I also slipped some Outerwear water resistant prefilters over them. Another heads up, I got the Carpenter exhaust which is great, but it doesn't include a baffle. It hurt my ears. But they do sell a baffle which works fine. I attached it with some large pop rivets. Regarding the transmission, I would have Carpenter rework it at Robinson Industries for peace of mind. I didn't. But after I got it back from Carpenter, it started dropping out of 4th gear under load, so I had to send the engine back for upgrades, including the billet 4th gear. If you can disassemble the engine yourself and reassemble it, you could send the trans components directly to Robinson and save some $$$$.