Can anyone recommend a power distribution unit ?

I ordered the Thunder Box as it has an option of automatic mode where circuits are switched on only after engine has started and has stabilized.
Same here .. looking forward to getting my bike in the garage so I can start working on wiring. The biggest pain is routing the cables in the slot in the middle of the tank.
I’m looking for something that connects to the battery and is smart enough to detect if the motorcycle is on or off and provide switched power to a GPS unit for example. I know quad lock has a smart charger that detects the battery output voltage and shuts off if it’s goes below a certain threshold. Do these units work the same way?

I don’t know if I’m comfortable enough tapping into the power cables myself to be honest. Am I out to lunch or does the above exist somehow ?
A c-tech trickle charger can come with a three light battery attachment. This flashes green when fully charged, yellow when partially charged and red when flat. I don’t know if this could be helpful?
I just sold my Rowe Electronic PDM60 programmable power distrobution module. Those are rated at 60A total. Getting ready to list the Amlink 60A module as well. Equally as nice, but designed to be programmed and reset via bluetooth. Really slick systems. The Thunderbox is super nice plug-and-play in a small form factor, though the Rowe Electronics options are programmable.