Cam chain replacement

Cool bud I didn't know if you measured it or not. My head has not been in the game (memory wise) I'd guess for a while now from what I'm told ! Anyway sounds like you right on it
I was going into do the 20k valve checks and before I started, I checked the cct depth, and it came out 24mm. I think that means a can chain replacement. Looking to do this once and right. Any helpful tips on this? Going to do the valve clearance along with this. Send in tips if ya got em!

What is the life of a cam chain on a R3? 20k seems a bit low to me.
20k seems low to me too, but the cct drop of 24mm tells me something is worn out. Probably the chain and maybe the guide too.
Ok bud I am a little terminology confused. What is the cct drop ?
Also since yours is a 05 it probably has the older cam chain guide which has changed its design a couple times . And then in 06 its design changed again and one more time in 08. I'm not quite sure what I did with all 4 of the different ones I've found prior to the updated one which I also did not know if they did any further changes once the Roadsters came out. Anyway if what if the arc was changed on the guide tubbing side ? Depending on which way the chamged the arc could take up more chain then the original units. Thes the auot tensioners plunger drop would the change. So triumph has you maesure the chain across owe I nelieve 23 links while it is stretched. Do you have your chain out. I thought you still had it together but hey I sm getting forgetful at my age :)
If its not apart yet then you should so you can measure and see whst it has and what it needs
Don't just buy the stuff unless you got money to burn.
Don't have the chain out. I will do the measure of the chain, but the cct drop is currently 24mm
Ok so you cct = cam chain tensioner god I'm glad you speak english because I seem to not be doing it well today :)

Hopefully when I go to the doctors in 2 hours he can pry my head out of my arse and dust it off :D
No worries warp. I just don't want this thing to skip a tooth and ruin the motor. The tensioner drop of 24mm seems excessive. Not sure of the cause.