Broken bolt in block under throttle body adapter - what now ?

Okay. you have convinced me.
I read 100 lbs and missed the "in" and my brain read 100 Ft Lbs and Whoa!!! Even 50-70 was wow. Now Inch Pounds, that makes sense. LOL!!!
Sold me on that, too. If a few simple tries doesn't work off comes the sump. What the hell, it's winter anyway. Guess I have to drain the oil first, ehh??
Las Cruces. Somebody on here has a Rocket in that city, too.
Thats for sale could be a good deal?Grandsons got state championship football tournament in Alb. this weekend. They went 10 and 0 undefeated out scored opponets something like 130 to 40

Yes on dropping the oil. Sorry to confuse you. My brain doesn’t do metric anything. I convert it all to English units so I can get my brain around the force necessary.
My brain goes to Google in these situations!

Quick conversion chart of inch pounds to N-m
1 inch pounds to N-m = 0.11298 N-m

5 inch pounds to N-m = 0.56492 N-m

10 inch pounds to N-m = 1.12985 N-m

20 inch pounds to N-m = 2.2597 N-m

30 inch pounds to N-m = 3.38954 N-m

40 inch pounds to N-m = 4.51939 N-m

50 inch pounds to N-m = 5.64924 N-m

75 inch pounds to N-m = 8.47386 N-m

100 inch pounds to N-m = 11.29848 N-m

I just ask Siri....
Okay. Torqued the iffy one to 8 Nm and it twisted off. Cheap Bolts!!!
So I'm going to order a full set of bolts and a gasket from 2Wheel Pros, shortly.
The last two that broke are just under the sump. So dropping the sump should be easy to get a grip on those. The first one may be just about flush with the block.

Next week I'll take off the sump (when the parts come). Are there any surprises that I might need to look for, or is it just a clean drop, nothing to snag, etc?
And there is one bolt that is different than the other 20. Anybody know about that one? (Got this info from the owners manual and the parts schematic on the their website).

I just changed the oil, so I'll just save it in a clean container and put it back in. I assume I can leave the oil filter in place.

Thanks for the help!!

There is one out in the center area of the pan that has a copper washer on it.
That odd bolt is T3203050, a domed flanged hex head stainless bolt M6x50mm

Sump should drop straight down with only oil falling out. While you're in there it might be a good idea to clean the 2 mesh strainers (no need for new bolts on them going back, just cleaned and medium strength threadlock)

1st u had mention that u had already torqued that bolt so we can assume that it was already stressed so it would have broken even if u were taking it out.
i checked mine and they were loose. so i torqued them to 80 inch pounds (we have a good tool)
9.038 Nm
i think that they would go to 10 Nm but given what u r experiencing i think i will stop at 80 inch pounds.
if u do not have an inch/Nm tool i think u should not mess with it.