Broken bolt in block under throttle body adapter - what now ?

My bolts and gasket came today. I was going to wait to start the project but it was warm in the garage today (2 PM) and next week there will be no sun and probably snow, so I went ahead and did what I could today.
Took an hour to set up and drain the oil, then took all the bolts out in reverse sequence. They all came out in one piece, not counting the three that were already busted. The sump was stuck on good, but I got a corner loose by tapping with a wood block and hammer, and it fell right off. Left plenty of torn gasket behind (as expected). The three broken bolts were exposed as I hoped! Two were out about an inch and the third about 1/8".
All three came out easy peasy with just my fingers. Whew!!

Spent most of the time cleaning off the old gasket. I cleaned out the screens and used Loctite 242 during the re-install.

I used up my whole can of Brakleen getting the sump pan gasket cleaned up, so the engine part is going to have to wait till I can get more. It is about 8PM and don't want to bother this late.

I'll check YouTube and see if there's some trick to getting that old gasket crap off.

Glad I dropped the sump after all. The screens were due for a cleaning. Should be downhill now. I hope!!

Don't use rags that may produce lint. I used red shop rags to wipe mine down. You couldn't see it, but they left behind enough lint to plug my screens. Oil light started coming on at idle. Had to take it back apart. Lesson learned.
Don't use rags that may produce lint. I used red shop rags to wipe mine down. You couldn't see it, but they left behind enough lint to plug my screens. Oil light started coming on at idle. Had to take it back apart. Lesson learned.

I learned of the red rag lint washing the windshield. What a mess. I've been using those micro fiber cloths you can get free an Harbor Freight. Every time I see a good deal for them there I grab some.
Finished with that project! Took about 7 more hours today, most of that cleaning the gasket off the engine. I find that brakleen works okay. Just have to spray it on about every 30 seconds. I picked up two cans at O-Reilly's on my way home from work (their brand) but only needed about a half of one.
I tightened the bolts to 80 inch/pounds. Should hold I suppose. And it's snowing!! So put the bike up in the corner so I can get both our cars in the garage. I'll check for any seepage in a day or so, but not expecting any.

I did get a ride for a couple of blocks to warm the oil before draining. Heaven knows when the weather will be nice enough to get a good ride in.

A shout out to all of you who helped out! Dropping the sump was a project, but I'm glad I did. Might have needed a new gasket after all as far as I know, because all started when I saw a drop of oil off the bottom corner and tried to tighten the sump bolts, twisting three of them off.
And I learned a bit more of what make these Rockets tick.