That's great news. Was really looking forward to trying the exedra max. Ill tell the dealer tomorrow to order it.
Thanks everyone for being so quick in replying and giving so much detail.
Yup, Dealer full of it! My old, now doesn't sell Triumphs anymore dealer, would not mount my Bridgstone on my bike, said Triumph wouldn't allow. So I had to take the wheel off and take just the wheel in, and they mounted it, no problem. I'm on my second Exedra Max, and my ABS has always worked properly. I got around 8000 miles out of the first one, before I got to the white stripe in the center. I now ride a little easier on the throttle, as changing tires is a ***** and $$$
that's not a goofball, its the nut that connects the seat to the handlebars. oh and dealers should really shut up when they don't know what their talking about.
For whatever reason he said that dosnt change the fact that a number of us, me included, have had no issues with them. I'm on my 2nd Rocket which has had the exedra max rear...I have another new one sitting in the dark in the shed curing so I can put that one on when the time comes also! if I were you, I would go ahead and put one will love it!...p.s. both my bikes had and have ABS.