Brahma gets a new heart


Traveling Story Teller
Oct 17, 2013
Dumfries, Virginia
2014 R3T, RAMAIR, Full Viking Dual exhaust
Brahma is getting a heart transplant from the engine I got from @BlackSails. I dropped off the donor bike at Brooks' Cycle today. I will ride Brahma into the shop on January 3rd. Brahma should be ready by the end of January, but I will be away with work till the first week of February.

Brahma's engine will rest for a bit until I decide how I want to have it built. I know many of you have gone the maximum horsepower route while I am more in the maximum Torque in the low to mid-range. I do not ever plan to race Brahma but getting more off the line and at highway speed would be the goal. With that said, I may not ever get to it depending on how well I can keep this engine going with the many lessons learned from years of Brahma duty.

In any case, I have the donor engine and it is at the shop to begin the swap.
Call Neville Lush and tell him what you are after in a power plant. Ask about high compression pistons and a torque cam for the lower and mid range. My build does make 203 hp but it has 166 tq and starts down very low. You don’t need to rev this out to get good power. Compared to the Carpenter high hp builds the power comes on great around 2500 instead of 4000.
Brahma is getting a heart transplant from the engine I got from @BlackSails. I dropped off the donor bike at Brooks' Cycle today. I will ride Brahma into the shop on January 3rd. Brahma should be ready by the end of January, but I will be away with work till the first week of February.

Brahma's engine will rest for a bit until I decide how I want to have it built. I know many of you have gone the maximum horsepower route while I am more in the maximum Torque in the low to mid-range. I do not ever plan to race Brahma but getting more off the line and at highway speed would be the goal. With that said, I may not ever get to it depending on how well I can keep this engine going with the many lessons learned from years of Brahma duty.

In any case, I have the donor engine and it is at the shop to begin the swap.
Merry Christmas, Amigo!
Ya shoulda rode YurMama when out here visiting last year. She's 200 HP and 160 TQ and is perfect for reliable touring of the USA.
Rob @Claviger build with Lush stuff!
Let me know if in the NW again.
Merry Christmas, Amigo!
Ya shoulda rode YurMama when out here visiting last year. She's 200 HP and 160 TQ and is perfect for reliable touring of the USA.
Rob @Claviger build with Lush stuff!
Let me know if in the NW again.
Thanks for that info Steve.

I'll be at

The EYE in Ruby Creek​

next month for two weeks of snow work. That's about as far from you in Washington as one can get. And unfortunately, I will be off grid for most of that time with no time to socialize with brothers. That doesn't mean I won't have some rum though with me though...
I just returned from a work trip to Guam and about to go on another to Northeast Washington for two weeks. I went by the shop yesterday to drop off a PCV w/AT I had purchased a few years ago to add to Brahma's new start on life. I saw the bike I got from @BlackSails with just its wheels on, these bikes look so odd stripped down like that.
Brahma was up on the rack with most of the part off and about to take the radiator off. Come to find out that the steel screws holding the radiator shroud are seized up hard. Evidently the dissembler metal has corroded to the point the radiator must be replaced. Dang it.
Other additions Brahma is getting is Progressive springs up front and new head bearings.
I won't be back till early February but he should be al set and running.
Looks like Brahma gets a new radiator too. Four of the screws on the left side snapped when the tech was removing the shroud. The radiator is still good for now so until the new one arrives, I will ride Brahma without the shroud. That is once I return from a two-week snowy work trip.
I saved my sons radiator from this fate, i used a battery drill with a reverse (LH) twist drill bit, to drill out the broken bolts. I used Krol oil as the lube. I had caused this by not using neversieze on the shroud screws when I serviced the clutch 3 years earlier. all 5 screws came loose from the heat of drilling them out, left hand bits seem to work best, never had to use an ez-out....