No, Hawaii doesn't have a track, so that was another Captain.
Might want to check your own ego there, while you may be a fast rider where you live, put the rocket on a track with real sportbikers and you'd quickly eat a humble pie everywhere except the main straight.
Thread title:
Blown away by a sportbike in the twisties...
If 800lb cruisers could keep up with 400lb sportbikes in twisties (aka: Cornering), why are there no Supercharged Carpentered R3s in WSBK/MGP?
My whole point was: Yes out for a casual/brisk/quick ride you can keep up mostly and have fun, generally you get a much better drive out of corners than most sportbike riders on the R3. Get that dude on the sportbike actually hanging off and trying to go fast rather than just out having some fun and you will not keep up, it doesn't matter how good you are, physics prohibits an R3 from EVER cornering as fast as a well ridden modern 600/750/1000.
Frankly anyone who thinks a R3 can corner at 10/10ths effort as fast a as a sportbike, is delusional.
PS: A 25 hp 250cc sportbike would completely out pace not only the R3 cornering, but the 600/750/1000 as well, horesepower means NOTHING for peak cornering speeds, unless your drifting through the whole corner, and even then its slower than sticking it.