Blown away by a sportbike in the twisties...

Just a wee bit of straightaway coming out of any twisty and we reel in and blow by the squids really easy, don't

we, Art?
Just a wee bit of straightaway coming out of any twisty and we reel in and blow by the squids really easy, don't

we, Art?
YES its easy huh Phil we have no problems with those SUPERBIKES makes no difference those guys dont have any low end power they have to ride in 1st and 2nd gear so they can keep up after the tight turns we have massive rollon power after a turn
Most riding I agree, it's not an issue, in canyons or the coastal roads here in Hawaii, it really doesn't matter how good you are, the Rocket wont keep up, it doesn't have the lean angle to do so and power is irrelevant in corner runs like Tantalus Drive.
Well, duh, key-keeper!o_O

We actually ride gnarlier roads than that, but we do it on very quiet and isolated country backroads, not with all that traffic, no driveways and/or side roads to worry about like on like Tantalus, which appears to go up and down one smallish mountainside. Racing around on any serious, sustained, twisting downgrade is an invitation to disaster, too!

Some friendly competition on such a road as Tantulus is not only questionable, but it would appear to require a blatant disregard for others - not just for those using the road, but for folks living on or near it, too.

Take that road like that and put it in our sort of environment and we'd have multiple opportunities to overtake just about any sportbike rider and the only ones that would be at risk are us, them and any innocent or unfortunate critters that might happen to pop out of the woods at just the wrong time or place.

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While I agree with you all that the R3 is a great bike,

You have got to be ****ing kidding me if you think the R3 can hang with a GSXR/ZX/S1000/CBR/RT8/1199/1198/RSV4 in cornering.

It cant.

It wont.

It doesn't matter how good you are.

It's a simple fact that two rider of equal skill and familiarity with the bikes R3R vs any of the above bikes, the above bikes achieve MUCH higher lean angles and cornering speeds before loss of grip/hard parts touch down so hard you crash.

Not even worth a thread....

We do this on our Carpenterized R3s, one with 200+ rwhp, the other with 250+rwhp. Don't believe us? Fine and dandy. It doesn't mean a thing, really - at least not to we who've done it time and again, it doesn't.

Aren't you the chap that took your R3 to the track to figure out the ergos of going fast on an 800 pound cruiser? That would be both boring and superfluous for either Art or me as we both have over 50 years of saddle experience and in Art's case, he was a world class road racer back in the day. I've pushed every bike I've ever ridden since I'm twelve years old to the wall. Neither of us are average riders.

BTW, this thread was doing just fine before you got your back or ego up.;) This was never a conversation about cornering only, nor do any of us generally encounter a Marco Marques,Valentino Rossi or Kenny Roberts when we go out for a pleasurable spin.
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Imagine how these guys feel getting dominated by a 250 on their liter bikes, a $3500 throw away bike way out pacing 15k+ liter bikes:

Or in advanced group where people generally actually try to go fast:

No, Hawaii doesn't have a track, so that was another Captain.

Might want to check your own ego there, while you may be a fast rider where you live, put the rocket on a track with real sportbikers and you'd quickly eat a humble pie everywhere except the main straight.

Thread title:

Blown away by a sportbike in the twisties...

If 800lb cruisers could keep up with 400lb sportbikes in twisties (aka: Cornering), why are there no Supercharged Carpentered R3s in WSBK/MGP?

My whole point was: Yes out for a casual/brisk/quick ride you can keep up mostly and have fun, generally you get a much better drive out of corners than most sportbike riders on the R3. Get that dude on the sportbike actually hanging off and trying to go fast rather than just out having some fun and you will not keep up, it doesn't matter how good you are, physics prohibits an R3 from EVER cornering as fast as a well ridden modern 600/750/1000.

Frankly anyone who thinks a R3 can corner at 10/10ths effort as fast a as a sportbike, is delusional.

PS: A 25 hp 250cc sportbike would completely out pace not only the R3 cornering, but the 600/750/1000 as well, horesepower means NOTHING for peak cornering speeds, unless your drifting through the whole corner, and even then its slower than sticking it.
WE are not road racing we are street riding on public roads SO Im sure if you go to a race track your not going to take an 800 lb ROCKET LOL BUT JASON DESALVO was on the track with his CARPENTER ROCKET and was passing the Race bikes on the straights LOL
Sounds like a fun day :p

I'd actually love to see one of the 300hp+ rockets go up against some of the Pro-Stock drag bikes, I'd reckon with a little practice the very high HP R3s would be embarrassing some of the pro-stockers.
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Yeah, just like we routinely embarrass local squids out in the hoots and hollows.