Bike won't start

You could also have corrosion in your starter button. (did someone already say that?)

Whack and mash it and it'll start if you do.
I had this same issue and it was a loose battery cable...... when my switch went out it would start just fine, but when I turned the bars left or right the bike would cut out ( that was fun the first time it happened commuting home from work).....

either way, good luck.
I will give the switch "jiggling" approach a try tonight. I am willing to bet that is the issue as I have seen it before. Should have started there. Will report out the results.

Thanks everyone.
On second thought, I have done so much wiring of new goodies lately, think I will go ahead and just relocate my switch and be done with it. Will test the "jiggling" theory just to confirm, but will go ahead and order the parts to relocate. Any suggestions for the best place to move the switch?

there's actually a kit to move it to the little hole on the LH side of the bike just beneath the seat, in front of the side panel.

I think you use the original switch though, so you are still gonna need one of those. Might want to keep it stock until you can get Triumph to pony up a new switch. They are not cheap, but I think you'll be able to get a free one on good will if you confirm that it is indeed the switch.

Then move it once you get the thing working.
They may not replace it for free since it's been repaired by owner once already.

Never hurts to ask though.
It depends on which year model Rocket you have. The Rivco kit will not fit the 08 and 09 models. They say they can't find anyone that makes the new type connection.
Ok, no joy with the jiggling, but I did manage to get some more clicking and grinding out of it when trying to start. I am fairly certain it is the switch at this point so will take to the dealership and see if I can get a new one out of them.

Funny thing is I am not too upset with this as my new Preds just arrived today. Bike may not run but it will look awesome with the Preds on it!

Great job Sam, can't wait to get them on the bike!
Watsonian said:
On second thought, I have done so much wiring of new goodies lately, think I will go ahead and just relocate my switch and be done with it. Will test the "jiggling" theory just to confirm, but will go ahead and order the parts to relocate. Any suggestions for the best place to move the switch?


Here is were I moved mine to for the second time around. The last post on page 3.