Bike won't start


.060 Over
Aug 23, 2008
Need some opinions on where to start trouble shooting.

I turn on the ignition and get a full sweep and all things look normal for start however I just get a loud click when I hit the starter button. I have tested the battery and it has a full charge (PC 625)

Full disclaimer. A few weeks back I wired up a set of the "WalMart special" driving lights (aux light circuit), GPS (direct to battery with fuse in between), replacement accessory connection (replaced standard euro style) and stebel air horn (existing horn circuit with relay added). Wired up everything and tested it all out. Everything worked just fine and the bike started no problem. Imagine my surprise, thanks to everyone for their posts for each of these installs. Also, it should be pointed out that I have had previous ignition switch problems however they were resolved quite a while back thanks to the help of Skip. I was monkeying about around the ignition switch due to placing the horn directly in front of it.

So where to dig in from there? All suggestions welcome.

Its been awhile (and several miles) since we redid your switch.
Might check it again.
That solder may have come loose.
If so, Triumph should replace it for you,
if they do just make sure they replace the set.
I sincerly hope its just the switch again.
Let us know bro,
If I were troubleshooting it at this point, assuming you checked the connection at the starter relay, I would run a lead wire from the hot side of the battery to the post on the starter with someone holding the clutch in (with the key on ). If it turns over I would suspect the relay. This is based on what you have posted so far. Just touch the post with the hot lead. If it doesn't turn over I would suspect the starter.

Anyone else agree with that procedure??
So I just went through this with my bike making nearly the EXACT same symptoms ... what ... perhaps 3-4 weeks ago.

Turn on key, could get sweep, lights, hit the go button, just a little clicking. Much like a dead battery.

After some messing about, I found that holding the wires under the switch in a particular orientation allowed the bike to start. Unfortunately, holding the wires whilst driving was not convenient for me.

Try jiggling them around or holding them forward, back, left, or right, and see if one of those allows the bike to start. I bet it will.

Either way, I'm personally gonna say I'm 90% sure its your ignition switch. Especially where you had issues with it and soldered it previously. I bet you have a short in there.

Triumph replaced mine on good will. They covered the parts, but not labour. So I just installed it myself. Just ask your dealer to inquire about a good will warranty exchange for you.
"What's that clickin' noise??"

In this case the starter relay may be shot. Relays don't usually fail but if all else is good, bypass the relay and see if it kicks over.