Bevel Box Drain Bolt (ugh)

package sent 4/14/23 @ 5:00 they said 2 weeks to get to border
there is an oring on the tool for an oridgnal drain plug with magnet. has bolt for to replace broken drain bolt it6 is a little longer but there is a lot of space for a longer bolt.
directions for removing broken bolt. take the tool i made and carefully center it (be carefull not to mess up the threads on the final drive) tap it in with something small like very small hammer /block of wood ect.
i have the tool set to stop at 1/4 inch so that should give you room/depth to insert some type of tool
left hand drill bit
wedge screw driver
cut an easy out to perfect size
ps only tighten this drain bolt tight enough that it won't fall out also u can use the book torque.