Best way to clean my roadster

Trust me on this as I've used virtually every lotion and potion in the known universe...
Lemon Pledge does it all and it does so just as well as many and better than most! You just have to be a bit more diligent in polishing off its residue.;)

An added bonus is that it can be used on virtually every material that a motorcycle and its parts or accessories are made from.:cool:
How do you guys go about keeping your roadsters clean? How do you quickly get rid of the bugs after a ride? Do you wax your roadsters?

This might seen strange, but when I was driving in the outback for a while, I used to cover the front of the truck and windscreen in clear detergent.

You get a lot of grass hoppers and crickets in the outback so many it changes the colour of your truck. at the end of the day his the front with a good jet of water and every thing comes of in instant.
How you clean (painted parts of) your Roadster, depends on whether it is "shiny" or "matte".

Mine is matte.....only water or mild soap & water....and microfiber mitt and cloth.
I would like any suggestion for when the new rocket comes it is mat black , is there any thing i shouldn't do that you normally do on a gloss colour .
Child Labor! ;)

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