Being your Brother's keeper

And having meet this bloke in person and shared a few rides and beers chats and the like I can say my life is far better in knowing him.

I have meet a few others from this site her in New Zealand and Australia.

I hope in the future to meet many many more brothers from this forum.

So if any of you are ever heading this way just let us know.
And having meet this bloke in person and shared a few rides and beers chats and the like I can say my life is far better in knowing him.
'' silver tongued devil you!!!......mine too....its good to have like minded friends who feel they can rock on up anytime they decide its ok knowing its ok by me...cheers Chris
Well said Boog

I never thought I would get to that stage but I too suffer from mental illness and
My family , friends and even people on this forum have been a tremendous help.

Many people don’t understand it but the best thing is to talk about it

Riding is also great way for depression.

Thank you so much for posting this
ive lost a stepson when he was 29 and a sister when she was 63 thru suicide both feeling very lost and depressed so you must take time out of your life and show them love and respect and let them talk and vent or whatever so they feel better. Sometimes it will be a potential life saving thing you have done without you knowing it....makes you feel peaceful when they smile and relax...dosnt always help them to the extent where they are no longer depressed but you gotta give to receive...