
.020 Over
Jun 26, 2012
Binghamton,New York
At the end of this month (weather permitting) I will be riding home on my 2013 Phantom Black Rocket 3 Touring.....80 miles from Wilkes-Barre, PA to Binghamton, NY. I can't wait! What Iam somewhat apprehensive about is backing this beast up.....how hard is it on smooth blacktop? I remember trying to move it on the carpeted showroom floor and it didn;t move none too easy......869 pounds.....I could move my 2012 Roadster okay but even that required a huge effort....anybody have any thoughts on this? From what I've read they say you have to put BOTH feet on the ground at a stop because of the weight......really?
Avoid riding on carpet and you should be fine. ;)
I like to put 2 feet down simply because when these things are vertical they're easy to manage but get them just a little bit too far over and you're in trouble. Even a gust of wind can push you over a little and if you then have to change feet to catch it it could all be too late.

And yes, I know this is the Touring forum.
Its not going to be that different from your Roadster. The weight is low and as long as you take your time, its not a big deal. I back mine 1/2 the length of my driveway and all the way across my garage every time I park it and I'm older than dirt.

Of course you don't say how tall you are. I'm 6'2" and I'm assuming you're also a normal sized human. If you're cursed with short legs, well, it may be more of an issue.
I bought mine during bike week in Daytona. A day later I rode it to North Carolina for it's maiden voyage.
The best thing I can tell you that I have learned is to think about the need to roll it before you park it and avoid the places that might cause an up hill battle.

Also watch the fine gravel under foot. Pushing as hard as we need to to roll these things it is simple for your foot to slip and slide in the loose gravel, even fine sand under foot is not good.
I grab the side of the seat with one hand on the hard pushes, and lift and push...
Enjoy the ride, it is a great feeling that first trip.....
At the end of this month (weather permitting) I will be riding home on my 2013 Phantom Black Rocket 3 Touring.....80 miles from Wilkes-Barre, PA to Binghamton, NY. I can't wait! What Iam somewhat apprehensive about is backing this beast up.....how hard is it on smooth blacktop? I remember trying to move it on the carpeted showroom floor and it didn;t move none too easy......869 pounds.....I could move my 2012 Roadster okay but even that required a huge effort....anybody have any thoughts on this? From what I've read they say you have to put BOTH feet on the ground at a stop because of the weight......really?
Maybe it's time to get to the gym and quit acting like a girly man... Perhaps I can give you the number to Hans and Franz who will "Pump you Up!" Maybe you should trade your 2012 rocket for a big wheel or trendy cafe scooter? No...? So get rid of those sissy panties and put on your big boy pants on. If you do not I will have to talk to the appropriate authorities and have your MAN Card revoked. No offense, just saying...:D
I've never had any problems backing mine up until yesterday, I twisted my knee last week ( a very embarrassing story that I will take to the grave ) on the same leg as my recently rebuilt ankle. I roll backwards down the driveway and got into that little dip between the asphalt and my driveway and stopped cold, I did not have the strength in my leg to move the beast, I tugged on the bars pushed with my legs and......... Nothing. :-(. Very embarrassing !
Everyone has covered it pretty well, think about where you park, have both feet ready, and hope your knees stay good. I have to back mine up 80' at least to get out of my garage, pretty level, but not sure if I'll still be able to do it when I'm 70...
Maybe it's time to get to the gym and quit acting like a girly man... Perhaps I can give you the number to Hans and Franz who will "Pump you Up!" Maybe you should trade your 2012 rocket for a big wheel or trendy cafe scooter? No...? So get rid of those sissy panties and put on your big boy pants on. If you do not I will have to talk to the appropriate authorities and have your MAN Card revoked. No offense, just saying...:D
I don't have the 2012 Roadster anymore.....it was destroyed when I hit a deer head-on this past November 11th....I have spent the last three and a half months on disability recovering from a broken arm (surgery) and a split open forehead (stitches). Hence the new 2013 R3T.....Your bull**** response is exactly what I would expect from a Harley Davidson owner.
I've never had any problems backing mine up until yesterday, I twisted my knee last week ( a very embarrassing story that I will take to the grave ) on the same leg as my recently rebuilt ankle. I roll backwards down the driveway and got into that little dip between the asphalt and my driveway and stopped cold, I did not have the strength in my leg to move the beast, I tugged on the bars pushed with my legs and......... Nothing. :-(. Very embarrassing !

Another reason why a riders back rest is handy; gives you something to push against.

The embarrassing story? Did it involve a vacuum cleaner and/or ballet shoes? ;)
Its not going to be that different from your Roadster. The weight is low and as long as you take your time, its not a big deal. I back mine 1/2 the length of my driveway and all the way across my garage every time I park it and I'm older than dirt.

Of course you don't say how tall you are. I'm 6'2" and I'm assuming you're also a normal sized human. If you're cursed with short legs, well, it may be more of an issue.
Hey, thanks for your reply......Iam 5' 11 and 61 years old....I never tell anybody that Iam old. How old is older than dirt?