Auto tuner not working.

good point, but not sure if that would stop the Auto Tune from working, I thought that was just to keep crud out

While it all looks right you do not have the Can terminator plug fitted and I just went out and look at mine and the plug actually has a little resister in it so it does actually serve a purpose as R-III-R Turbo indicated (sorry I doubted you R-III-R Turbo)

no probs. leaving the terminator plug out gives the same symptoms as described.
i only know this coz i put wideband 2 module (basically AT with a gauge or LCD) in to replace an AT, there was no CAN plug with the WB2 kit. so i didnt use one. and the AFR reading etc would not show up on laptop. CAN plug fixed it. (shame on dynojet for not including it)

And, I put the little plugs in both the PCV and the AT unit. No change.

dynojet told me only one plug is needed, in either the PCV or the AT. cant remember if they specifically said "dont" use a plug in both.
no probs. leaving the terminator plug out gives the same symptoms as described.
i only know this coz i put wideband 2 module (basically AT with a gauge or LCD) in to replace an AT, there was no CAN plug with the WB2 kit. so i didnt use one. and the AFR reading etc would not show up on laptop. CAN plug fixed it. (shame on dynojet for not including it)

dynojet told me only one plug is needed, in either the PCV or the AT. cant remember if they specifically said "dont" use a plug in both.
Mine only came with one can plug and one rubber can plug and I put the rubber one in the PCV and the can pug in the Atuo Tune from memory thats what the instruction said which I download from Dynojet website as there was a missing page in the instruction that came in the box
All that came with mine was rubber dust plugs.

so you dont in fact have a CAN termination plug?

yes i know what you mean about the rubber plugs, they're to keep dirt etc out. also my wideband 2 kit didnt come with CAN plugs :rolleyes:
bit early yet to start bike up and rev it but will go out in a little while and remove Can termination plug to see if it does stop Auto Tune working
Just got off the phone with dyno-jet. The problem is the can termination plug. There wasn't one in the box. They are shipping one to me at no charge. Hopefully only a couple days and ill be at full power. Thanks for everyone's help.
Well I got delayed by urgent shoping trip for missus (forgot to get milk yesterday for our breakfast) and had not yet tried the bike looks like It has been worked out great the hear, I would never have guessed that cos if R-III-R turbo hadn't mentioned it I would have thought it was just a blanking plug and I have had mine in since I got my PCV, this unfortunitly highlights an issue at DynoJet with thier Quality control and packing checks - I had incompete instructions and a faulty Can cable now you guys both didn't recieve vital parts.... a bit of a worry if you ask me :rolleyes:
yeah my WB2 kit had no CAN plugs but needed them. lucky i had a spare from the AT kit.

not the only DJ complaint i has
i asked them by email if i could hook a gauge up to the AT. their "senior" product manager dusty schaller said yes, and quoted a list of product codes.
so i bought a gauge. gauge lands, it no connect to AT.
i email him and he says oh sorry my fault it wont work with AT, you need wideband 2. but not to worry i'll sort it out for you!!
offered a WB2 module only for the low low price of 150 quid. im like, full kit is 250 and the sensor alone is 100, so 150 for module only aint a great offer.
he didnt reply. so i went and bought the WB2 from DJ UK (dusty is US) coz i didnt want to waste my gauge, and am now writing this flame thrower post about their ineptness and general douchebaggery.
they know they can **** around as there aint much else on the market and their products speak for themselves.
but anyway, DJ US guy you're a douche

I worked with a guy named Jeff. He actually logged into my computer and worked with me for a couple hours on the phone trying to figure things out. Yes, my kit was missing an important part but they did send it out to me once we figured out what was wrong. Maybe I just got lucky. Lol
I have had no trouble dealing with the Tech guys I am just refering to thier people who are supposed to check the quality of thier products and the packing of thier products, thier was also a guy on here a little while back that had the right part no unit but it had the wrong version programing in his PCV, All I am saying is they need to tighten up thier act. I want to get the LCD display but are you (R-III-R Turbo) that it wont work with the Auto Tuner, I only want it so I can perfect my AFR table map and make some alternitive verisons for those that want more power or more economy and it having a AFR and TPS% reading would help me do that