Auto tuner not working.

Here is the setup. The O2 eliminator is connected to where the factory 02 sensor plugged in. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1350251266.303534.jpg

The PCV is connected to the auto tune module with the supplied cable.

The wires coming from the auto tune module are connected to the new sensor that replaced the factory 02 sensor.
While it all looks right you do not have the Can terminator plug fitted and I just went out and look at mine and the plug actually has a little resister in it so it does actually serve a purpose as R-III-R Turbo indicated (sorry I doubted you R-III-R Turbo) so I suggest you find that little plug and fit it,it would have been in a little plastic bag that came in the Auto tune box, I have attached a photo I just took of mine in place

Finally, these are the settings that DynoJet asked me to enter into the "Target ARF" area. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1350251738.839020.jpg
Sorry mate but that is the same as one of thier plain Jane maps, it is not going to do any thing exceptional, My AFR table map I gave you will run leaner(better economy) at low throttle openings and give more power (fuel/richer) when you open her up. if you want to run thiers you would be better of just loading one of thier downloadable maps which has the fuel tables in it to suit the lame middle ground AFR's and don't worry about using the auto tune... your call but I have given my AFR Table map to over 30 guys so far and All have been happy


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Hans. The only reason I loaded their settings is because when I loaded the one you sent me, the settings were all set to zero. It may have been something I did wrong. I'm gonna re-load your map and see what I get.
Hans. The only reason I loaded their settings is because when I loaded the one you sent me, the settings were all set to zero. It may have been something I did wrong. I'm gonna re-load your map and see what I get.
0's mmmm was that while you were connected to the PCV, sorry if it did go wrong if it it still comes up 0's I will resend it, who know what might have happened between me sending and you recieveing it.
but I would try and find that little plug and put it in
Ok. I re-loaded your map. ARF tables are there now. Also, I emailed you a video of the bike running with the laptop connected.

Should the software say "1 device connected?" Or "2 devices connected?"
OK I just watch your video and it is should have had 999 in the afr section on screen untill it has been running for 60 seconds then it would be showing the actual afr after that also your shot did not show the %throttle the device connected is the PCV being connected to the laptop, I just went out and connected mine and it said i device and 999 in the afr till the 60sec delay had lapsed

It just ocured to me..... did you turn the Auto Tune on in the computor setting under "power commander tools" ---->"configure" ----> "features enables and input selections" ----> the little window that opens will have in the bottom "Auto Tune" this should have a tick in the box next to it, otherwise the Auto Tune will not work. If the setting is correct then it can only be the "can cable" being faulty
Yes. The setting is turned on for the auto tune. I guess I'll call Dyno Jet in the morning and get a new cable on the way. Is the cable you are referring to the small one that connects the PCV to the AT box? About 4 inches long?
Yes. The setting is turned on for the auto tune. I guess I'll call Dyno Jet in the morning and get a new cable on the way. Is the cable you are referring to the small one that connects the PCV to the AT box? About 4 inches long?
Yup that is the one


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At least I have your map in my PCV now. I'm sure it will make a huge difference. :)
Buzzz, Make sure the 'engine temp' is ticked off in the tick box, because if its ticked and not connected up to the pcv wire the autotune will not work.....

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