yeah my WB2 kit had no CAN plugs but needed them. lucky i had a spare from the AT kit.
not the only DJ complaint i has
i asked them by email if i could hook a gauge up to the AT. their "senior" product manager dusty schaller said yes, and quoted a list of product codes.
so i bought a gauge. gauge lands, it no connect to AT.
i email him and he says oh sorry my fault it wont work with AT, you need wideband 2. but not to worry i'll sort it out for you!!
offered a WB2 module only for the low low price of 150 quid. im like, full kit is 250 and the sensor alone is 100, so 150 for module only aint a great offer.
he didnt reply. so i went and bought the WB2 from DJ UK (dusty is US) coz i didnt want to waste my gauge, and am now writing this flame thrower post about their ineptness and general douchebaggery.
they know they can **** around as there aint much else on the market and their products speak for themselves.
but anyway, DJ US guy you're a douche