Thanks Benny.
Pretty close to what I had in mind. Should of had QLD on it somewhere as well.
Have to admit. I pinched a lot of Hanso's idea's to do this. Was really just throwing up an alternative approach.
Lookin at it, maybe I shoulda asked for the year on the left and the State/location on right
Only reason I say that is cos then it would be closer to where it is being held at.
Probably doesn't really matter and it still gets the idea across and future years it would have to change around anyway.
My thoughts when I asked Cheeky Greeky to do this one for me were;
Use a proper map of Australia with the flag in it. It's instantly recognisable as Australia even from 20 metres away.
And the flag, well why not I reckon. I'm Aussie and I'm proud of it.

Tell the whole world I reckon.
The star with "1st" (in this case) in it is placed where the event is being held at.
Next year it's easy to alter. Move the star, change the number, year and location.
Just another option/opinion. What do you's think???
Also thought about using the Aussie map with no flag in it,
or the Aussie flag like it's blowin in the wind.

Dunno about that one tho.