Interested in a Australian Rocket Ride?

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If someone wants to design a patch and get some prices I will do my best to find a sponsor to cover the cost.
I will look at it tomorrow and get back to you

That is if every body is happy to go with the drawing I posted in #120?:)
Those blokes coming south of Sydney out through Windsor and up the Putty to Siingelton is good if you like corners instead of freeway.Then across to Gloucester and up Nowendoc range through Walcha and join the New England at Uralla. If your pushed for time the Hyway would be quicker.
Ok this is what I was thinking of last night before going to work with the adition of Inaugaral Muster which I pinched from Mrs Marty and I'm thinking that every year after this you simply put the asterex in the area of the venue also after the first one replace the word "Inaugaral" with "Annual" for future years

any more thought on the patch does some one know a local patch maker

I'd get rid of Inaugural, 1st, Annual etc and just call it RDU#1. Pretty obvious it's the inaugural/1st one. Annual is unnecessary. Otherwise it's not too bad. :D
Sorry mitch should have thought of that myself, thanks for the heads up. Have now updated the first post, let me know if that's what you meant or have I had another senior moment.:D

oh big m, you keep leaving yourself wide open brother...i think we are going to have a few very funny days and lots of laughs....
Marty, not sure if you've mentioned this or not but I presume closer to the time you and/or Mrs M will go and have a chat with the local coppa/s. Let them know that a bunch of gentle folk are congregating on Rockets - aged carers, youth workers, retired public servants, that sort of thing. Better not to have some young cop wake up one morning, think the Del Fuegos have arrived, sh!t himself and call in reinforcements.

hey this is a bit of a must i reckon...just don't mention anyone from Canberra is coming and they'll be fine:D
Sometimes goats arse tastes pretty good depending on how much time you have up your sleeve.

It's 100k from Grafton to Casino will take a bit under an hour. My old stomping grounds now the area pretty well.

you may not wanna mention this to the blue boys... i think you meant a fair bit over an hour!!!