Interested in a Australian Rocket Ride?

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Hey Ponters.
Speak up if I'm pushin it too far for ya buddy but have a look at this for a revised trip plan.

Kick off (for you) Melbourne.
Bathurst. 780Ks
Grafton. 770Ks
Hervey bay. 612Ks
Maybe a bit further depending on the last route.

All and any wanting to group up could aim for Grafton on the Thursday night and ride thru from there with Tomcat and Mitch leading us on a diversion avoiding the Metropolis of Brisbane/Gold coast/ Sunshine coast.

hey Cob, yeah i was kinda hoping coast was going to be better than up the guts...bathurst graft on hervey sounds a better option as it will make it easier for the other lads to link in. This way perhaps i can link up with Canberra in Yass along the way.

to help co-ordinate can everyone between melbourne and hbay jus type the max k's per day they are happy to ride. Canberra, you happy to meet in Yass and on to bathurst and so on.?
With so many coming I will ride down to meet you all as well, should have every thing organised by then. will have some mates taking pictures as we roll over the top of the hill into Hervey Bay.

Then I'll lead you all down Boat Harbour Drive (main road through centre of town) to the harbour then back up along the Charlton Esplanade (Beach Front) to accommodation. That should announce your arrival quite well I think.
From here to Grafton in one day would be a bit far done it before and thought the missis was never going to talk to me again( numb bum) looking at two short days probaly go as far as Raymond terrace day 1, Grafton day 2, that will two short days, we can meet up and head up to Hervey Bay on the Friday. Probaly meet Richard and kiwi at Goulburn and head up the Hume then swing around Sydney up the freeway to Raymond terrace. Of course I'll be chatting with the others between now and then to nut out an exact route between here and Raymond Terrace that is go they want to for all I know they might want to do Canberra to Grafton in one day but not for me