Attention Grabber

Awesome story! I love to make them have "bike envy"

Well said!
I seriously think, wait scratch that: Know you are a douche bag! Please try not to have any more correspondence with me, at all if you could.I try to keep the trailer trash at an arms length.

I seriously doubt that's going to happen. I can see that you'll be presenting way too many opportunities to let them all go by. You realise you're showing everyone what an emotional little princess you are and I can assure you that is going to come back and bite you. You've been on here, what 5 minutes? and already telling people to shut up. I don't think so. Now settle down and stop taking it all so seriously.
Gee I haven't seen a Charles atlas Add since I was a 90lb weakling admittedly that was when I was 14years old ,I actually bought a Spring chest expander and all I got from it was sore arms , a few years of hard work and mums good cooking soon filled me out to a decent size no sand in the face for this Aussie

worked up? no, Just rattling a few cages.
Folks who get upset about a story (good or bad) meed to stured up every once in a while. I mean no harm. so sorry if I made you cry.

If you will notice, not many come to your defense here. We all already know Richard well. No reason to expect him to change. Might as well let it go 'cuz he won't stop.