Attention Grabber

You are kidding right? So "Thats not a knife, This is a knife! is different than; Thats not a bike, this is a bike! I dont think so. I didnt jump on a pro Rocket forum to have nitwits like you and canbera give me sh=t about enjoying my escapades with my bike. Your dead wrong about Americans and not every American likes the Donald. Seriously whats wrong with GUNS? I enjoy several hobbies including fire arms. Tall Poppy Syndrome, come on! Why would you be on a forum that discusses making your bike better, faster, more dependable and not want to share the stories of how great you think your bike is. I guess I should have come on here and criticized its looks, its history, its poor assembly process. Give me a break. If its just an anti American thing, please tell me.
ok I wasn't going to get into this but..
the "Thats not a knife..."Crocodile Dundee thing was meant for the American audience, because Americans (generally) think bigger is better, might is right etc etc. This is not a put down, it is just an observation and a generalization.
I think it is ok for you to share your stories, doesn't bother me, but some here have expressed it just isn't necessary to rub it in some guys face because you ride a Rocket.
I am not dead wrong about Americans I lived next door to you mob for 22 years! I did say, "many, not all" again, this is not a put down, it is just an observation and a generalization. I am definitely not anti-american, I am anti-bone-head.
No not all Americans like DT, just 25% of Republicans (according to reports)
Guns, you either love 'em or hate 'em. I like 'em, but I can live without 'em.
Americans want to stand out from the rest, be better etc, that's cool. In Australia we have the "Tall Poppy Syndrome", just means we like to stand out from the rest also, but we do it together. Hey, this is not my opinion, just passing on some cultural information you may not be aware of.
I am on this forum because I am an R3 owner. My bike is stock, it is fast enough and I don't need to change it. I am on this forum to have a chat and listen to my mates talk about their escapades (yes, you included) just like I was sitting in the pub. no biggie.
My initial comments were intended to break some ice and lighten it a bit. I didn't intend to get into it with you.
Now, if you DID come here to criticize my bikes looks, history, the I would think you are a bone-head..

p.s I am not a nitwit, I am an arsehole

So you say Their was no condescension in that story other than the Honda rider. GET A LIFE
Well I am here to get advice on mods, hear some good stories and meet some good people. I love being an American, I love guns, and I love motorcycles of all types. This R3R I just happen to love more than some of the others I have owned. I also believe in American Exceptional-ism, I hate our current crop of useless liberal leaders in the White House. I am disappointed that there are folks that think my story is a bash on any other bike. It was a story about some smug guy that wanted to show off in front of another bike. I just took him to task and he got mad and took his bike and went home. I think that was hilarious and I shared it. One not some had something negative to say about that story. And considering i am on a pro Rocket forum that just blows me away that some doesn't like to be proud of their motorcycle and thinks others shouldn't be either. But if you didn't want to get into you shouldn't have. I suppose you guys are a lot like American liberals and think that everyone deserves a first place ribbon regardless of their efforts and overall level of success. Have a nice day, I am off to hunt some bad ass biker types with my Exceptional Triumph Rocket III Roadster. And if you and your buddy don't like that, you can kiss my American Ass.

I call BS on your statement, all you have to do is read the posts on this site to see that it is pretty much equal on the bragging and blustering. after all even Aussies like to have fun
So you say Their was no condescension in that story other than the Honda rider. GET A LIFE

I like to have fun just as much as anyone on here and I love sharing stories of achievements,especially where it involves some type of skill or humour or innovation. Pride in our rides is universal and applauded. Recounting a story about blasting past a Honda Fury is only moderately more interesting and impressive than say, dragging off a GS500. You and the 2nd poster have chosen to get yourselves all worked up over a comment and opinion you didn't agree with. You're the ones who need to get lives.
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