Asking for help with Cam Cover Gasket replacement

one more time
on #2 cly u have both valves listed as exhaust clearances
where is the intake clearance values for #2 cyl. ?
if no one uses this chart it does not matter
one more time
on #2 cly u have both valves listed as exhaust clearances
where is the intake clearance values for #2 cyl. ?
if no one uses this chart it does not matter

Hahaha...It's like we're in a pub and juuuuuuuuuuust can't quite hear each other over the racket. Okay, I busted out my CorelDraw from my sign-design days, and prettied this graphic up a bit so it makes more sense.

Essentially, I'm posting two values for every valve. It's a "Go" vs. "No-Go" test result. Which feeler would go in, and which was the first to stop going in. My feeler gauge set sadly only went down to .005, so that was as tight as I could check. Every Intake valve lobe, the entire left bank of valves on the graphic, tested as:

.005 wouldn't slide in
(maybe .004 would have if I had one?) That's sort of what I'm assuming. So Intake valves for all intents and purposes are:

.004 went in
.005 wouldn't

That's gold, because that's within tolerances. Then we get to the exhaust side, where my results were more varied. All were within tolerances, except one, my "Exhaust Valve 4, Cylinder 2", which had the .009 slide in (very snugly, but it did go), and the .010 wouldn't go. Since the tolerances in the book were .006 to .008, I highlighted that one, on this graphic, as I was worried about it and wanted the feedback specifically about that one.

I agree with Warp, I'm going to just button it back up, and recheck it at 30k miles.

So, here we go, a slightly more accurate and easy to understand graphic. Put the "by the book tolerances" up at the top this time too for reference.

Actually felt good to use the trim and weld and align tools in Corel again. Haha... Hope it's much more clear this time. Wish working on the bike was as fast as cranking out this graphic. And now, to bust out the chainsaw and take care of these trees from last night's storm. Then onto the bike.

Nice chart, you should make it without the notations on which one fit or not and make it available to the masses. It's much neater than whatever piece of cardboard I have laying around.

We had a pretty fair storm roll through last night also, no branches down on my property but plenty around me. Over 3500 lightning strikes in the area.

Storm brought 3,500 lightning strikes to Inland Northwest

Nice chart, you should make it without the notations on which one fit or not and make it available to the masses. It's much neater than whatever piece of cardboard I have laying around.

Not a bad plan at all. I cleaned it up and made it more generic, and added some more details / tolerances / etc... Look good? Let's see if I can upload a PDF here....if not, I may need to have some pointers on how to add it to my profile in an easy-to-share way. Nope...doesn't seem to accept PDF's. I have one ready for printing if anyone wants one.
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@mstraub72 Nice chart, makes it easy. My version I did today is much more hideous but still functional lol.

The only thing, exhaust tolerance is .15-.20mm / .06-.08 not .10-.15 on the template you made. Just so no future user gets it wrong.
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@mstraub72 Nice chart, makes it easy. My version I did today is much more hideous but still functional lol.

The only thing, exhaust tolerance is .15-.20mm / .06-.08 not .10-.15 on the template you made.

i seen that but after my other deal i was dont say it herman
@mstraub72 Nice chart, makes it easy. My version I did today is much more hideous but still functional lol.

The only thing, exhaust tolerance is .15-.20mm / .06-.08 not .10-.15 on the template you made. Just so no future user gets it wrong.

Dude...yes, awesome catch. I'll see if I can edit previous post or at least nuke and replace graphic here.

Yep, cleared out flawed one above. Let's see if this passes inspection.