Are They fkn kidding ?

Anthony, chuck Rox's scooter in boot of the Beema and Amanda can bring it down to Torquay. That's the easy part done. Now for the tricky bit.....
Every time we go to a bike rally my wife tries to get me to enter my Rocket into one competition or another to little avail. I didn't build it for anyone else to enjoy. I built it for me to enjoy. If they like it fine, if they don't that's fine too. If those guys think the 109's are the cat's a$$ good on 'em. Their assertion that they can make a 109 do anything close to what a Rocket will do is a little absurd, but hey, who am I to disabuse them of that notion...I just hope they bring money with them when they decide they want to try out a run with a Rocket :D
I think they just want a photo Hans of tc on a scooter .i think you might have to drug him out and then place him on the scooter and two people one either side to hold him
If that might look anything like this, guys, please stop egging TC on!

Here's a pic of mine... very handy with these pesky & rude New Jersey drivers: