Anyone using Progressive 444 shocks

Hence the requirement for aftermarket shocks. Anyone know if the Nitro's are heavier duty?

Remember, Amigo, payload limitations are not only regarding rear shocks.
Tire load and weight rating is affected as well.
HTH . . .
I called Progressive and the tech support guy said they don't have a larger spring. Then he said the next size up was for a Harley Dyna that was 300lb per square inch. To hard for my need. Yes, he said the Dyna had a heavier payload then the Rocket. You take it from there.

Maybe you can get the Hagon people to build you something custom that's rated to haul 550-600 lbs or whatever the total comes to with the torquing force from the trailer.

My 444 HD's wound to about three rings work perfectly to haul 450 lbs or so, though, and were a noticeable upgrade from stock, but I guess I'm not shocked that 550+ and a trailer is too much.
In your situation I think I'd contact Hagon and talk to them about your needs. They seem to be pretty responsive to customer feedback regarding spring rates required.

Good luck!

PS: That's one hell of a setup you got going on!
If you want to match wits with me, Bubba, I'd suggest that you first garner some wit.

The dumbazz comment to which I referred had nothing at all to do with R3s, hence even less to do with the subject of this thread.

You'd be well advised to treat this as your new bible, Elvis:
They'll fit. There's a heavy duty and normal variants. The HD are good if you mostly travel 2-up (or are 250 lb+...), so if you're looking for the 2-up friendly variant you have the right one.