Anyone using Progressive 444 shocks

Fitted 444s today ............ after failing to fall in love with the stock shocks on the 2200 klm return Phillip Island ride via the Princes Highway (sic)....... they are just as bad as they were on my 2010 Roadster. Couldn't a free thinking rational Triumph Product Design, Improvement and Development person have attempted a fix in the past 5 years ??? Just way too harsh when riding on secondary roads for more than a few hours. Fitting was fairly easy using a cable tie to hold the front brake on and my car jack under the bike levering off the the side stand.

Bought them from Speed Addict CA via EBAY for a little under $780 AU landed, bargain IMHO. If I had purchased locally they would have been more than twice that. I haven't ridden the bike since fitting them, but will be shocked if there isn't a huge improvement .......... given all the mostly positive intel. And they do look good according to my 14 year old son.

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Fitted 444s today ............ after failing to fall in love with the stock shocks on the 2200 klm return Phillip Island ride via the Princes Highway (sic)....... they are just as bad as they were on my 2010 Roadster. Couldn't a free thinking rational Triumph Product Design, Improvement and Development person have attempted a fix in the past 5 years ??? Just way too harsh when riding on secondary roads for more than a few hours. Fitting was fairly easy using a cable tie to hold the front brake on and my car jack under the bike levering off the the side stand.

Bought them from Speed Addict CA via EBAY for a little under $780 AU landed, bargain IMHO. If I had purchased locally they would have been more than twice that. I haven't ridden the bike since fitting them, but will be shocked if there isn't a huge improvement .......... given all the mostly positive intel. And they do look good according to my 14 year old son.

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Im using the progressive 444 s and love them I only weigh 78kg but I only have them on the second lightest setting and that's comfortable with my 8 year old on the back too . Was a massive difference from the stock 09 shocks . I've never had the roadster shocks under me so I can't speak for them though but I'd imagine the same result will apply
I've had the 444 for some time now and couldn't be happier. If you want to adjust the shock pre load turn the spring as well as the adjuster....... makes it much easier to adjust.
I got the 444's for the auto dampening adjustment. I've had manual dampening adjustment and really didn't know what the F to do with it. They seem to work fine. I'm 170 and will try to reduce the preload a bit. I believe my dealer set them half way. The standard springs work fine for me but I agree that anyone who's 250 should get the HD. I've had Progressive front springs on both my R3's. They're a must with such a heavy bike. Progressive springs front or back offer more resistance the more you compress them. This is supposed to be an advantage but I don't know why. Do any of the other good aftermarket shocks have progressive springs?
I be sort of in the same boat as you; in that I have run the Hagon Nitros (good shockies BTW) and recently installed some taller progressive 444 HDs. Shall start riding again the next nice day.
I'm anxious to compare the two brands.


Any update on the Nitros vs. 444 for rear shocks? Or other? Rear shocks are my next investment. What do you think I should do considering that I am 2 up most of the time on the R3T?
