Anyone use Scenic?


I'll eat Sonny's sandwich...
Jan 21, 2018
Narre Warren North
Planning a trip with the missus at the end of the year and have been playing around with an App called Scenic.

Designed for motorcyclists and looks to be quite good. Different routing options, I like the curvy option but then again, doesn’t take long to hit the curves here in Vic!
I haven't used it in quite a while and it's had several updates since then.

The problem I had was using it to plan a route. When I got off the planned route it would turn me around to route me back to the section I missed, rather than finding a more direct way to get me back on route going in the right direction.

It's probably improved, the reviews are good, so give it a try and let us know.

Update: I just read a review here..
Best Motorcycle Apps for Ride Planning, GPS Navigation and Tracking on iPhone – 2017 edition – Scenic

...."By default it will guide you to the first via point you missed, but you can also choose to skip that via point and connect with the route on one of the via points further down the road...."

Not sure if that option was available before, or if I just didn't see how to turn it on.
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Planning a trip with the missus at the end of the year and have been playing around with an App called Scenic.

Designed for motorcyclists and looks to be quite good. Different routing options, I like the curvy option but then again, doesn’t take long to hit the curves here in Vic!
I used to use it.. not bad but My route is infinitely better.
MyRoute-app: The #1 all-in-one route tool
Super easy (drag and drop)to make routes. I have stopped using Basecamp and rather use this. Also you can save/export them in various formats for Garmin, google-maps, Tom Tom etc. There are also tools to compare how a route will look on different platforms. I think they have a free trial period. Try it, you'll like it I'm sure.