Anybody Put A T-Bird Or Bonny Shifter On A Roadster With Pegs?

Old N' Grumpy

Living Legend
Aug 8, 2015
North Florida in the Deep South
2014 Triumph R3R & 2005 Harley FatBoy
I know you did Bull but you have floorboards. I looked at a Bonny shifter today and when I lined it up with the spline on a Roadster it looks like you can't reach the shifter. Didn't install so don't know for sure but me thinks this mod is just for floorboard bikes...correct?
What is desirable about the t-bird and Bonneville shifters as to make you eye them?

They are a splined shifter as opposed to a bushing type which is what I have. You need a spline type if you want to remove all that extra linkage. It allows you to just mount the shifter directly to the spline.
They are a splined shifter as opposed to a bushing type which is what I have. You need a spline type if you want to remove all that extra linkage. It allows you to just mount the shifter directly to the spline.

@Maverick X just did this with the pigs on his Roadster, however he had moved his stock pegs forward nearly six inches prior. I do not believe the straight swap of the spline shifter will work with the standard footpeg position of the Roadster. It may be possible find a shifter that is long enough or one that could be altered.
Apparently, the 06 speed triple shifter is the go. Cant say for sure but remem
ber being told that along time ago by ?????
And I really wanted to do that mod. I thought it would really clean that side of the motor up. I'm a believer in the little things make all the difference in the long run. They all add up and make a good looking bike a great looking bike. Guess I will scrap it until the day comes when I am able to do floorboards. At least I didn't buy it first and find out the hard way.
Hey, Warp...been awhile mate. Im back in NZ till january. I will PM you n let u know wot ive been up too.
Cool, I'm in Virginia Beach Virginia working on my other house or rather my daughters colledge fund. Hope to go home in a week or so to rest up (roofing sucks with no crew) then I will be back down here to continue.