Another New Dark Sider

Are you serious they only have 20 or so competitors trying to out corner out brake and besides that at very high speeds it has a lot to do with the subject matter , where do you think advancement in technology in tyres , frames , suspension etc comes from ? I would think not from so called experts on a Triumph forum or any other for that matter . You sir need to think before you type . Tyre manufacturers don't just release a tyre into the market to see how it performs when dodging a rabbit or a stick or braking to miss some numnuts on a phone . This would all be done on test tracks then into the race arena and then modified for the road.

Maybe you should think about what you type. It is tires not tyres. We all saw what all that fancy engineering got us when this bike came out, my OEM tire blisterd in 2000 **** miles and it I hadn't caught it, I might not be here to talk about it. I had already replace the ****ing thing before Triumph even relized they had a problem. When you get ready to by that swamp land give me a call.
Actually numb nuts, they are tyres in this part of the world. Most people have the intellect to work it out. We spell colour with a 'u' too, and use 's' more than 'z' (which is pronounced zed) in words like organise and apologise. Americans who feel the need to point these things out are either ignorant or tiresome bores. There's a whole world out there; not just the tiny bit you seem stuck in. Give it try.
And gray is grey gunite is concrete and lots more by trying to sound intelligent you failed . :roll::roll::D Lets just leave it know before one of us gets upset :)

Play Nice....Heck I could not tell if anything is spelled right or wrong....That is the funny part with me....LMAO

I like hearing the new words and meanings from my friends down under...Fanging it is one of my favorites.

Remember we are here to have fun and learn about others and their Rockets..
Bloody oath, mate. Don't mess with us. :mad:
The spelling's fine, Lupe. The trick, as you know, is the pronunciation. ;)

Don't worry Joey. 7 hours of straight, flat boring highway after 4 days in riding paradise would be enough to make anyone a bit tetchy. And I gotta go to work now for 11 days straight. Retirement? What's that?