Another New Dark Sider

Hi, doing around 15000 miles on my rear Metzeler tire, good enough for me, if you need to use the rear brake, you are going too fast, that´s my braking technique, would never use a ar tire, not legal here anyway, cheers.
I Use the rear brake all the time when I am riding no handed it slows me down on th ehighway so I do not run up somebodies arse.

Arguing about car tires is like arguing gay marriage rights in the end its all a crappy deal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, doing around 15000 miles on my rear Metzeler tire, good enough for me, if you need to use the rear brake, you are going too fast, that´s my braking technique, would never use a ar tire, not legal here anyway, cheers.

What do you do, haul it everywhere you go? I went through a metz in 4k miles. And I ride like an old man.
The resin I decided to try a car tire was 3 fold. When coming out of Uvalde TX I was run off the road not once but twice buy 2 different dumb a** texting on there phones. Both of them put me on the shoulder and I wasn't doing but about 70 mph. Then the last week on a little county road that is only about 3 miles from my house I got run of the road out into a plowed flied buy another dumb a** texting his wife. He almost wrecked his truck going off into the field that I was in. All three times I needed new shorts. All 3 times the back tire was locked up trying to slow down in a panic stop and trying to get the h**l out of the way. All 3 times they where 3/4 and 1 ton trucks. I have been riding scene 1986 and wore out a couple of bikes over the years including a few dirt bikes along the way (have a KLX 300 as well). The rocket just dose not like to slow down that fast when breaking (weight?) I love the Rocket, it goes nicely just dose not stop as good. I haven't got that many miles on the car tire but I will assure u that it accelerates way harder with he C/T and stops the beast much better in a panic stop. I went back where I was run off the road near the house. Tried it again (mines the truck trying to kill me) and was able to stop in about 30 feet shorter without locking up the rear tire with no sliding wiggling or dirty shorts. Yes I would of still had to go off road in all 3 situations but don't think I would of locked up the rear. To each his own. The monetary difference had nothing to do with my personal chose. $100.00 or $500.00 it dose not mater, just want to be able to stop the beast when needed without the a** trying to slide out. Had the rider education and understand that 80% or more of the breaking power comes from the front due to weight transfer. The Rocket Touring is just a little heavy in the back. My experiment with the C/T still has a way to go. But at present it just out does the factory tire by far.

Thank you for your comments and opinions. I'm not trying to cause folks to get up set. Just voicing my personal experience and opinion. If there are any Captions In south TX (Corpus Christi) area with MC tires lets get together and do some stop/handling/acceleration testing.
Well let's just say it ain't slow, I have shocked a few riding companions at what speeds I can maintain, it is all in the way you set up for the corners and depends a lot on the conditions of course, and it should also be noted that yes I slow down more but that is because my camper trailer weighs in around 500kg and will push a little, where as the Ultra lite classic trailer I used to have before I really did not need go slow down much at all

I am sure pulling a trailer has to be learned and experienced specially if you pull a 1000lbs or am I just not with it
I am sure pulling a trailer has to be learned and experienced specially if you pull a 1000lbs or am I just not with it
I certainly wouldn't advise someone to start of with a heavy trailer like mine which has had few mod cons added the same trailer without any extras ie the bare basic trailer without the annex (large room) and awning on the other side or any luggage or any other camping gear weights in at about 180kg from memory, Mal (the kiwi) bought one and has had no trouble adapting his riding style as far as I know but he is a bit more sensible rider than me:)
Please show us ( if you can where i stated I only use the rear brake). This was a very asinine assumption on your part. Running 60-65 and someone pulls out in front of you, if you aren't applying front and rear brakes makes you an idiot in my book. Where the rear mc tire will put one in a skid, the CT will allow you to lock this big monster down. I have been riding for for over 30 years now and sometimes using the fronts only will only get you hurt or even killed.

ELVIS ELVIS !.......... do not take it too personal I am merely offering suggestions on how to stop in shorter distance you are right you never wrote you used ONLY the rear wheel brake but you did not say you used the front and to what extent either , I may be an idiot in your book but let me clarify my braking technique whenever I need to make a very rapid deceleration in the shortest distance possible (which is not too often thank god) I squeeze the front brake as hard as I dare and I do not have ABS, and may or may not tap the rear pedal why first because in your book I am an idiot but more to the point when the front fork is fully compressed all my weight and the bike weight are basically pushing on those front forks the rear wheel has hardly any weight unless the missus is seating on the pillion so there is basically very little force applied to the tire and therefore it take very little hydraulic force to lock it up whether you have a CT or MT(ok more friction on the CT) and I have yet to meet somebody who could regulate the pressure on the pedal with his foot to maintain enough pressure yet avoid lock up even momentarily while trying to avoid a bad situation . so what make you think I could be killed by using the front brakes only ,longer running distance before impact? total fallacy .
I have like you been riding since I was 17 and I am 68 in 54 days back then we had no front brakes then brake shoes and finally discs and I am glad for that .
I have used the front brakes since they were installed back in the early sixties I believe, and I am still alive and was vindicated many times when taking recurring courses and seeing and measuring the distances before full stop I even once lifted the rear wheel for a second during a session but was in control at all time no side motion just a bump when the wheel came back down ( 1986 red ninja 900 ) personally I have never done live test with riders using a lot of rear brakes but i have doubt that the distance travelled would be shorter. i am talking dry condition no sand or autumn leaves on the ground of course.
to sum it up if there are huge double discs up front with double or triple pucks and a tiny disc with a single puck in the rear there must be a reason
I am just afraid that some riders are using the rear wheel brake inappropriately..
by the way I should ad that when leaned over in the twisties I do use the rear brake simply to modify my line, it avoid the bike wanting to stand up as if I was to use the front.

you are not an idiot in my book Elvis I hope you keep riding and enjoying the freedom of two wheels . take care and be safe ..
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