Another New Dark Sider


not at all, while towing a trailer it actually gives better stability and better braking with rear which is estential while towing to settle weight transfer entering twisty stuff especially if going down a Mtn pass, at 47,000km I am about half way thru my second set of rear pads and three quarters thru the original front pads well over 20,000km of that was towing and most of my slowing is done with engine braking before I get to the corner, then a decent jab (if not Towing) of front brakes to correct entry speed.
I have just put a Brigdestone on rear to see if it is as good as some say.... If not it will back to a CarTyre for me. Only have done 200km on it, it feel much better than the Metz ever did on the Mtn but time will tell :rolleyes:


towing is such an incidental way of riding, the difference between front and back should not show which is which with a plus for rear after all that trailer is pushing you ( I am guessing here)and won"t go down that road as I have never pulled anything behind my bike so I take your word for it..
beside with a trailer hooked up are you going as fast as you dare in the turns????? i thought so!!! I

towing is such an incidental way of riding, the difference between front and back should not show which is which with a plus for rear after all that trailer is pushing you ( I am guessing here)and won"t go down that road as I have never pulled anything behind my bike so I take your word for it..
beside with a trailer hooked up are you going as fast as you dare in the turns????? i thought so!!! I
Well let's just say it ain't slow, I have shocked a few riding companions at what speeds I can maintain, it is all in the way you set up for the corners and depends a lot on the conditions of course, and it should also be noted that yes I slow down more but that is because my camper trailer weighs in around 500kg and will push a little, where as the Ultra lite classic trailer I used to have before I really did not need go slow down much at all
someone pulls out in front of you and the MC tire would have put you in the car but this tire will actually allow you to stop..

I strongly beg to differ you are implying that a car tire would make you avoid the possibility of an accident but if you used your front brakes the way it is supposed to be used you would not have an accident either regardless of what is mounted in the back.
the fallacy of the rear brake usage is unfortunately so prevalent it pains me to know that some riders (mostly my age ) are still considering the rear wheel brake as either the main or the equivalent of 50% OF BRAKING FORCE or maybe more . it is not unless you have a pillion passenger that rear brake has a mean effective braking coefficient of about 15 % so a car tire may go up another 5% maybe but it will never be as efficient as the front wheel brake in any situation and the tire has very little to do with it it is the transfer of masses that makes the front wheel brake the 80% efficiency . I have explained in previous post the empiric bicycle test
to prove that point and hopefully help some captains from browning their shorts and I will keep posting to that effect just to help some diehard rear wheel user from frightening moments

Please show us ( if you can where i stated I only use the rear brake). This was a very asinine assumption on your part. Running 60-65 and someone pulls out in front of you, if you aren't applying front and rear brakes makes you an idiot in my book. Where the rear mc tire will put one in a skid, the CT will allow you to lock this big monster down. I have been riding for for over 30 years now and sometimes using the fronts only will only get you hurt or even killed.
Agree 100%. It also pains me to see or hear of riders who only use the rear brake.

HOWEVER, one major benefit of having the car tire out back is that the rear end won't lock up and slide out anywhere near as easy as the stock Metzler's will do. While not providing the real braking force that one might be expecting, the c/t certainly provides more confidence that when you do make use of it for braking that it won't lock up and slide.

...still waiting for the flamers to inform us about their superior braking techniques, and that they've never worn our their brake pads, and that they get 50,000 miles out of the Metzlers, Avons, and/or Bridgies.

Hi, doing around 15000 miles on my rear Metzeler tire, good enough for me, if you need to use the rear brake, you are going too fast, that´s my braking technique, would never use a ar tire, not legal here anyway, cheers.
Agree 100%. It also pains me to see or hear of riders who only use the rear brake.

HOWEVER, one major benefit of having the car tire out back is that the rear end won't lock up and slide out anywhere near as easy as the stock Metzler's will do. While not providing the real braking force that one might be expecting, the c/t certainly provides more confidence that when you do make use of it for braking that it won't lock up and slide.

...still waiting for the flamers to inform us about their superior braking techniques, and that they've never worn our their brake pads, and that they get 50,000 miles out of the Metzlers, Avons, and/or Bridgies.

Hey Chip, anyone getting 50,000 miles out of a MT isn't going to be wearing out their brake pads. ;)
The day GP and Super bike racers start using CT i will think about it until then i'm not too tight to buy a good MC tyre.:thumbsup:
Very True Dave, and I might say right up front I am not tryingto argue with you I am just stating the facts as to why most of the CT users love them, the reason the SBK and MotoGP riders don't use a CT is their bikes are nothing like the bikes you see on the road (even the SBK are highly modified) and they are not racing around a track on Cruisers Either.
In my case it has never been about cost, I more interested in good grip which is why I first tried a CT after seeing Ruzzle getting superior grip compared to the Metz-pox-la tyre I was running, in fact I replaced my car tyres before they got down to the wear bars and as mentioned I am trying a Bridgestone but it has a lot to live up to in the grip department.
I find it more distressing to to see the guys that wear their tyres down to what can only be classed as a slick and then boast of their high mileage:eek:
The day GP and Super bike racers start using CT i will think about it until then i'm not too tight to buy a good MC tyre.:thumbsup:

if your riding style in town is comparable to theirs please give us fair warning so we can get the hell out of the way. If I had sponsors supplying my tires after every race I probably wouldn't use one either.

if your riding style in town is comparable to theirs please give us fair warning so we can get the hell out of the way. If I had sponsors supplying my tires after every race I probably wouldn't use one either.

Its got nothing to do with my riding style its about what i believe is safe and thats it .