Annoyed with Triumph right now.

Finally got my bike back, man almighty this thing shifts 100 times better. I didn't realize how poorly it was shifting before because I didn't know how it was suppposed to feel. (Being a unique engine and transmission) Every cruiser I've had has had a bit of a soft clunk to it when shifting (similar to the torque convertor kicking in on a car) this is much softer now, more similar to like a yamaha road star shifting. Unfortunately, the dealer put 2 scratches on my bike, one on the left handlbar clamp, the other on the exhaust, not too big of a deal I'm having someone make me a custome heat shield anyways, and I'll just buy another clamp. They did however replace the handlebar clamp screw covers (since the chrome was fading) and adjusted the gas tank float arm to more accurately show when the tank is actually low. They charged this to the dealership, not me or Triumph, so I can't be too angry with them. Overall disappointed with Triumph QC, but not so much their warranty service or technicians. Glad to be back on my baby. Being it's my DD other bikes just don't feel right.