I don’t believe you! :rolleyes::p

Training in my Ishrubelle chain days. ;):D:rolleyes:


Now IshruBB Big Balls.;):cool:
Me vid is playing up and only playing in reverse but you get the picture.;):D

Fair dinkum!;):rolleyes::whitstling::whitstling:

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Well that's OK. Your so beyond my IQ and financial status i do not understand why you bother insulting me. I tried very hard once to make are peace. Even offered to buy you a beer or two but yet you continue. Yes i follow what is going on in the motorcycle industry very much so. Call it a hobby of mine. Took me a bit to find the niche in the motorcycle industry and believe the Yamaha venture might just be it. Harley riders and new riders do not like it. NO Curb Appeal. Understanding your position in life the bike would probable not be of interest to you. For me the search is always on for the next best deal. The Rocket was very much a deal in its time. Nowadays looking for a bike I can ride in comfort. Plus no matter what i prefer wife has finally say. That is why we have been together for the last 19 years. Fourth marriage for me and don't see much of a future at my age for the next one, She rode on one today and liked it very much. We both did. First bike have just rode and enjoyed in a long time. Price is right for what your are paying for. You must remeber my friend not everybody is made of money and must have to go through life making compromises. Sorry to have offend you in any way. Besides all that will blow off the run in Texas. Have fun. Back to compromises Love the folks i rode with down there the last time but due to your short comings will pass. I am left in a very bad position.Offend the folks i like to ride with or just get my ass kicked by the folks i used to ride with by not taking action. Prefer to stay neutral. By the way have you ever considered a GERMAN SHEPPARD. Better yet stay with the Boxers. Why bother getting a dog that might just be a bit smarter than yourself,:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Let it Ride. Almost forgot. How is ROCKET holding up

I never once claimed to be above your IQ or your financial station. I called you on the "i have oil well money" and yet you continue to back out of any bike you put down payments on and then back out of. Not directly due to the money, but because you get all kinds of drunk and run your mouth.

A little known fact, and I post this not for anyone's sympathies, in fact you can all keep them, my brother was hit and killed by a drunk driver almost 30 years ago. So I have ABSOLUTELY NO tolerance for alcoholics - none and never will. Even less for idiots that sober up the next day and blame their sh!t on the alcohol. It's a cop out. So that in account, no I never took you up on that beer or two. Last time I drank socially was in 2016 at the burger bar in Leakey with @1olbull and @STRIPES where I had 1 beer and walked away. Last time I drank at all was almost 1 year ago and that was half a beer.

Don't care about your wife controlling the money, mine does as well, h3ll mine makes most of it.

My Rocket? Probably running perfect. Only problem I ever had with it was installing @DEcosse keyless, and guess what, he was on the phone within 5 minutes and had me running inside of 5 more. The Rocket is gone because I made a compromise, it was not the tool for the job I asked of it. Namely commuting to Coral Gables, FL. So I got a bike that carves and splits lanes like no other.

And if a German Shepard is smarter than me, it must make you look like you have the intelligence of a fetus.

And lastly, Leakey is big enough for us to never have to socialize, and I prefer it that way. You skip out because I am there and that is your problem.
I never once claimed to be above your IQ or your financial station. I called you on the "i have oil well money" and yet you continue to back out of any bike you put down payments on and then back out of. Not directly due to the money, but because you get all kinds of drunk and run your mouth.

A little known fact, and I post this not for anyone's sympathies, in fact you can all keep them, my brother was hit and killed by a drunk driver almost 30 years ago. So I have ABSOLUTELY NO tolerance for alcoholics - none and never will. Even less for idiots that sober up the next day and blame their sh!t on the alcohol. It's a cop out. So that in account, no I never took you up on that beer or two. Last time I drank socially was in 2016 at the burger bar in Leakey with @1olbull and @STRIPES where I had 1 beer and walked away. Last time I drank at all was almost 1 year ago and that was half a beer.

Don't care about your wife controlling the money, mine does as well, h3ll mine makes most of it.

My Rocket? Probably running perfect. Only problem I ever had with it was installing @DEcosse keyless, and guess what, he was on the phone within 5 minutes and had me running inside of 5 more. The Rocket is gone because I made a compromise, it was not the tool for the job I asked of it. Namely commuting to Coral Gables, FL. So I got a bike that carves and splits lanes like no other.

And if a German Shepard is smarter than me, it must make you look like you have the intelligence of a fetus.

And lastly, Leakey is big enough for us to never have to socialize, and I prefer it that way. You skip out because I am there and that is your problem.

Very sorry to hear that about your brother Anthony - I understand
My mother was an alcoholic, she luckily never killed anyone because of it. Well, yea she killed herself after 3 failed "attempts" over the years, the 4th time she found out washing down a bottle of vicodin with a bottle of gin would do the trick.
Your feelings about that are legit Sir
Have you looked at the new Indians? We love ours and they are incredibly smooth rides but not Goldwing like. I tested on of the new Wings the other day and found it nice but not exactly my taste. I sat on the new Yamaha but did not drive it but is fares very well in the bike test magazines. There’s lots of nice bikes out there but all a tad weak compared to the Rocket. Honestly if I rode like you do commuting everyday I would not choose the Rocket, I’d have a fairing bike with bags and lowers.:thumbsup:
And liquid cooled coming soon
Have you looked at the new Indians? We love ours and they are incredibly smooth rides ...............

They make some beautiful bikes and with a few mods pretty quick and seem to handle well. I witnessed that following you and Sandy on her Indian at Maggie Valley.

The Goldilocks signature under my name refers to the many tryouts I had with different bikes. The Rocket (III or 3?) is my “final answer.” Last was a BMW R1200RT - they are known for final drive issues. The point being that all bikes have issues or flaws, granted some more than others. The one I read most about with the Rocket was the ignition wiring, so I did a rewire with relay right away.

I commute nearly every day and tour. Motorcycles require lots of maintenance and upkeep. Problems are going to come up more often with those of us that put in the miles- it’s just mathematics. In my opinion the Rocket is pretty reliable given the abuse some of us heap onto it.