Being Crazy is a medical fact. Having a college educated anodize you as being nuts and applying therapy priceless.Especially when it is court ordered and you show up with a jar of Vaseline and smile. NO ****
Have you looked at the new Indians? We love ours and they are incredibly smooth rides but not Goldwing like. I tested on of the new Wings the other day and found it nice but not exactly my taste. I sat on the new Yamaha but did not drive it but is fares very well in the bike test magazines. There’s lots of nice bikes out there but all a tad weak compared to the Rocket. Honestly if I rode like you do commuting everyday I would not choose the Rocket, I’d have a fairing bike with bags and lowers.:thumbsup:
Being Crazy is a medical fact. Having a college educated anodize you as being nuts and applying therapy priceless.Especially when it is court ordered and you show up with a jar of Vaseline and smile. NO ****

We DON'T AGREE ON ALL THINGS - BUT WE GIT EACH OTHER :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Have you looked at the new Indians? We love ours and they are incredibly smooth rides but not Goldwing like. I tested on of the new Wings the other day and found it nice but not exactly my taste. I sat on the new Yamaha but did not drive it but is fares very well in the bike test magazines. There’s lots of nice bikes out there but all a tad weak compared to the Rocket. Honestly if I rode like you do commuting everyday I would not choose the Rocket, I’d have a fairing bike with bags and lowers.:thumbsup:
I second what Mel said
Have you looked at the new Indians? We love ours and they are incredibly smooth rides but not Goldwing like. I tested on of the new Wings the other day and found it nice but not exactly my taste. I sat on the new Yamaha but did not drive it but is fares very well in the bike test magazines. There’s lots of nice bikes out there but all a tad weak compared to the Rocket. Honestly if I rode like you do commuting everyday I would not choose the Rocket, I’d have a fairing bike with bags and lowers.:thumbsup:
Judging from your comments you and i have both seen the future. The New challenger is more than interesting. While Harley is going to invent the wheel on electrical drive Indian is taking the V-twin to a hole new level. Have had a joker on here make comments on why i have backed in and out on several bikes but believe 2020 bikes have a lot to hold.
Have had a joker on here make comments on why i have backed in and out on several bikes but believe 2020 bikes have a lot to hold.

And I will continue to point out all the **** you talk. I guess you already changed your mind on the Yamaha... Others around here may find you amusing and let sh!t pass, but I'll continue calling you out for your bullsh!t. Just know, I would do it to anyone on here. Actions may be louder than words in person, but on a forum all we have are our words to be held accountable for.

Oh and Joker is one of my Boxers, if he had hands instead of paws, he would call out the bullsh!t too