will read it when i get little time, thanks for the review
Well that's OK. Your so beyond my IQ and financial status i do not understand why you bother insulting me. I tried very hard once to make are peace. Even offered to buy you a beer or two but yet you continue. Yes i follow what is going on in the motorcycle industry very much so. Call it a hobby of mine. Took me a bit to find the niche in the motorcycle industry and believe the Yamaha venture might just be it. Harley riders and new riders do not like it. NO Curb Appeal. Understanding your position in life the bike would probable not be of interest to you. For me the search is always on for the next best deal. The Rocket was very much a deal in its time. Nowadays looking for a bike I can ride in comfort. Plus no matter what i prefer wife has finally say. That is why we have been together for the last 19 years. Fourth marriage for me and don't see much of a future at my age for the next one, She rode on one today and liked it very much. We both did. First bike have just rode and enjoyed in a long time. Price is right for what your are paying for. You must remeber my friend not everybody is made of money and must have to go through life making compromises. Sorry to have offend you in any way. Besides all that will blow off the run in Texas. Have fun. Back to compromises Love the folks i rode with down there the last time but due to your short comings will pass. I am left in a very bad position.Offend the folks i like to ride with or just get my ass kicked by the folks i used to ride with by not taking action. Prefer to stay neutral. By the way have you ever considered a GERMAN SHEPPARD. Better yet stay with the Boxers. Why bother getting a dog that might just be a bit smarter than yourself, Let it Ride. Almost forgot. How is ROCKET holding up
Back in the days late seventy's did 150,000 on a **** RD 350 without blowing a reed. Now for those folks that know what am talking about you can respond. All others just shut up.

Holy moly. 150K on an RD? You are my new hero. Wonderful, simple, bullet proof bikes they were. I rebuilt my YDS-1 250 out front of the barracks parking while at Radioman A school, San Diego in 1968. Easy Peasy it was.
Nice posts @sonny, wish I could prise that from you with all those long distance miles and maintenance it should be a steal and I already have the spare rear guard.
You will get nothing as a trade, so just park it and take it for a blast on the weekends and in that joyous coming of the post retirement, no commute life.

We know you will never leave and I am still impressed you can type so well when the suds rise and those frothy little thought bubbles start rampaging around your living room.

Well Sonny when you do get to New Zealand your more than welcome to come and stay at my house.
Back in my "in shape days" (late 80's) I did 10,000 + on an old chromoly steel framed 12 speed bicycle......... WHO THE FVCK CARES

I did 'Le France de Tour' on a chain-less tricycle, backwards, without mirrors under my nom de plume
'Le Ish-Rubb' while undertaking Ishrub's Travels, ask Gulliver my Ghost writer, who stole the concept and came out later with his own far more, far-fetched version.

Rattle, tattle and, prattle, its all the same as long as it is, occasionally, itty, bitty and witty.

I don’t believe you!

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