Air Ram

No dude your not bothering me I just do not want to get Art in anymore trouble then I have already. he is always on the other site and can answer questions most likely better then I do. Thats all I meant. None of you are bothering me at all.
If my post sounded like that I am sorry. I sure did not want it too.
No problem. No harm, no foul. I'm a bit tired this morning anyway. Here is the problem for me.

01 I just stumbled onto this thread.

02 I saw it was from last December and did not want to read through eight pages to find out what this air ram thing was.

03 I don't know who Art is.

04 I did not know there was a "sh** storm" of controversy going on about this air ram.

So all is good. I'm now going to go catch up on my recorded Gunsmoke episodes. We got an inch of snow last night and it's cold and windy. Not a day I want to go out in when I'm retired and don't have to!
Ah 21 more months ans I can retire I surely envy you!!!
On a second note since this is more Triumph but still Carpenter related you all should see the centerfold of the new sports illistrated magizine it better then what I can produce on a camera because of their choice of background but here is a shot.

tahter sleek looking and a lot of people have stated they wanted to see a rocket with a fairing on it. well it loooks like they have a good idea for one
Like quite a few i'm not a .com visitor .. reckon i've had a look 'over there' half a dozen times max . Like it here. Just as Muleskinner said one sites enough for me.
Well thats good I say if one is enough for you then great. I like to pull from both just because of the reason you stay on one. and thats so I get a larger amount of opinions to think with. But then I am also on Oxycontin amd Valium and bored ****less
What happened to my last two posts???

Oops!!! Wrong thread. See what happens when you get old and retire!!! I've got CRS. Can't remember sh++.

Did you mean these two?

No. Wrong thread. I redid my last post. I was thinking about the idiot on the GW thread. We were discussing if Lupe was a "Maricon/Homosexuales. Just kidding him of course! CRS again!

By the way, what engine did Triumph use in that streamliner?
No. Wrong thread. I redid my last post. I was thinking about the idiot on the GW thread. We were discussing if Lupe was a "Maricon/Homosexuales. Just kidding him of course! CRS again!

By the way, what engine did Triumph use in that streamliner?
They have not ran it yet it is in the construction stage and will be using a Carpenter Rocket engine although more powerful the the silver back. Jaso Desalvo will be the pilot.
That will be interesting. I would like to see how they get the trans to take the kind of power they will most likely be making with it. I'm sure it will be turbocharged. Maybe two. It will also most likely run on an alcohol type fuel like a top fuel dragster, not gasoline.