IDK, I kind of like him, crazy as he may be. Can't see where he ever hurt anyone.
Yes count me in as a member you will lose or at least I will be a lurker with no more post. I remember when he started telling everyone to grease there splines on the drive shaft as was treated like a outlaw or someone who needed to be strung up on a pole. Even posted that the darksiders should do it every 10,000 miles instead of waiting to change the tire, as it would be to long between tire changes. And he just got treated like ****ski. I often wonder how many people who listened saved thousands of dollars and how many who did not and had the problem wish they would have payed a little more attention to him. Sure he sometimes posted with the not very nicely (But I have seen a lot of that Hombre comes to mind, and I hope he has mellowed out as he has on the .com site. However, we will never know, as I was the one that started the post that got him booted. I did the advertising not him and surely wished I could erase it instead of causing him grief.
No idea why this Art bloke got booted .. to be honest i can't even remember reading a post from him in the years i've been here .. anyway. Can someone / anyone please let us know if the ram thingo actually becomes available for sale to the general public.

PS ... hopefully Art can sort it out with whoever he needs to and contribute to the forum.
I sorry you two (Warp and TP) are upset about Art. He should be able to post but may not be able to send pm's. He has been given at least three opportunities to follow the rules and (more importantly) act decent to others. Though the last infraction was for a violation regarding not being a paid advertiser, previously it was all attributed to his conduct on the forum. When he is turned loose in the Dark Side Forum watch out. What is puzzling is that I have heard he is a decent guy but for some reason when behind the keyboard (at least on this site) he has had not been on his bestest.... So unfortunately is comes down to losing him or losing several other members.

IMO, that's just a pile of poo, Brian, i.e., it's impossible to believe that you feel any remorse whatsoever. To put it mildly, he was a victim of very selective enforcement. Stated more emphatically, he wasn't even close to being as big an anus as some other folks around here are from time to time. Many of those equal or greater transgressors are still here,and they never got so much as a rap on their knuckles.

You and Shawn have the ability to reinstate Art with a simple set of keystrokes, but you still harbor some abnormal fear about doing so. Like I said earlier, your decision does a disservice to your site and its members or visitors.

I don't feel nearly as badly about this for Art as I do for the readership of 'Nuff said!:rolleyes:
Art was on here when I joined. Sure I found some of his posts petulant and unnecessary but not always worse than some of those who were provoking him or reacting to his remarks. Frankly, there's been others on here who have been far more annoying but, fortunately or unfortunately, without crossing the line so nothing can be done about them.

A bit of disagreement is healthy and it's human nature to get angry or hot headed from time to time. The thing I hate the most is when posters resort to personal name calling or being deliberately hurtful to an individual. That should be nipped in the bud immediately but for gawd sake let's not gag difference of opinion.

Won't presume to know where the line is drawn between commercial advertising and information for members.
I actually went and read some of IMFASTOO's posts .. don't seem any worse than some of the other dust-ups i've read on here ( and maybe i've even been involved in :rolleyes: ) .. like Canberra said .. as long as they're not over the top nasty or outright personally hurtful ... it's just blokes blowing off steam or frustrated cause they believe in what they are saying as far as i see it.
I wished i had saved the image of that intake set up now!!!:(
I quite liked it.....

I Rekon give ART another chance.....for those who can benifit from his wealth of knowlege.
Just sayin
I wished i had saved the image of that intake set up now!!!:(
I quite liked it.....

I Rekon give ART another chance.....for those who can benifit from his wealth of knowlege.
Just sayin

Be pics of it on Carpenter Racings website i'd reckon mate.
There is info on the .com site if that helps you any. Art also post on that site so you can have your questions answered by him instead of a middle man.
"Art also post on that site so you can have your questions answered by him instead of a middle man."

Wow! "Instead of a middle man!" Hope I'm not taking this wrong,,,but sorry for bothering you. Plus, I'm not a member of THAT forum, so I can't access the information. And no, I don't want to be on another forum thank you. This one is sufficient.