Air Intake Question

To get the optimum gains I think a tuner would be required but enough people have done what you are doing you may be able to get very close to what you need to do with just downloading a tune. When I changed to TORS the initial tune/dyno was about 200 dollars. The second run to tweak the Ram Air improvements was only 55 dollars because I had the same tuner do the work. YMMV. Once I figure out what I need to do I will put my latest tune up on the TuneECU site. I don't think that will help you though because I don't think the Touring tunes translate to Roadster tunes and vice versa.

I have read through the numerous post on the various air intake modifications. The three being;

- Under the tank cone K&N
- 3 K&N Filters (either under the claw or with modified claw)
- RamAir

Each seems to have its pro's and con's.

Either the 3 filter solution or the RamAir seems to clean up the bike the most by removing all of the duct work. However, there seems to be a bit of an issue with cracking on the RamAir or issues around the crank case vent. Which does not surprise me as most modified intakes tend to not deal well with the positive crank case vent. It always seems to be a poor afterthought.

I like the under tank K&N cone filter, but I am concerned that it is a very small filter and that heat would be an issue.

At the end of the day, are any of these really worth the investment?

And, don't get me wrong, I love custom modifications. If one of them were worth their salt I would be all in on it.
View media item 10402View media item 10437 I hope this helps. I used the K&N filters. I have used K&N filters for as long as I can remeber with out as much as a hiccup in any car or truck or any bike, quad, or sled. I purchased all of the filters for less than anyone could sell them from Auto Zone. They are a K&N dealer and will beat anyone's price and have them within a day or two. Here are the part numbers RU-2780 for 3 and 62-1340 for two. Don't buy the 3/4' filter it is too big for the air temp sensor. The 5/8" filter fits the breather tube and the Air temp perfectly. You will need to tune the bike as well and there is a ton of help on this forum for that. I purchased the cable from and used the Tune ECU software. Also follow the Tune Ecu directions to upload the cable driver and you will be good. I purchased a cable from Amazon and it did not work, the cable arrived in 7 days after the order and it was a snap. Good Luck and have a blast.
For straight power reasons, with stock exhaust, no not worth it.

As soon as you increase Exhaust flow, you benefit from the tri-filter/ramair etc.

Edit: 12 minute tune does nothing for full throttle power, it only retunes idle and very low opening fueling adjustment.
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Rick, those fit under the Bearclaw without having to cut it?

Also, what did you do with the sensor that is in the original intake plenum?
I picked up 150+ horsepower with these. ;)
