Actually one of the rides in the area is take 337 east out of Leakey to Medina (don't forget to stop in Vanderpool to check out the MC museum...lots of old British iron) then head up to Kerrville on 16 (plenty twisty in parts). There is a supposedly scale replica of Stone Henge to see (not sure as I never measured the original), then head west on 39. Before you leave Kerrville make sure your camera is charged. Hwy 39 is a good road with no real twisties, but we call it little Africa. Game ranches with exotics on both sides of the road...never seen an elephant although I've been told they are there. Then hit 83 south back down to Leakey in time to watch the sunset off the back porch with an adult beverage in hand. Good day ride with lots of interesting little places to stop for lunch. If Fred (@Rocket Scientist ) is with you don't let him get carried away when he hits 83 as he has a tendency to let 'er rip when he sees clear road
OK - I'll bite, Amigo . . .
"eye on the toad while looking at them" ?????????????????????????
I was thinking of camels when i typed that, i meant to say keep an eye on the camel toe, dont let it step on you.,,,,, on the other hand,,,,,,:evil::evil::D