The only ride I saw on the schedule was from 9 - 2 and I doubt that would get you from the Fredricksburg area through the sisters and back unless you were riding pretty aggressive. We usually start day rides from Bandera or Leaky in order to allow for any unforeseen emergencies and still be back on the porch by dark. Beautiful area and Luckenbach is a great place to hang out and enjoy some good Texas music. Same cautions as above when riding...lots of blind curves and hills and the folks really love their road signs down there...enough to steal them on a regular basis so you may see a few unadvertised surprises. Last caution...LOTS of wildlife...the sisters are actually ranch roads not publicly maintained farm to market roads. On one particularly memorable section you cross a cattle guard and there are no fences on either side of the road. I have ridden right into the middle of a herd of cattle on several occasions and you will definitely see deer.

Thanks, Morris and others.
So the approach is one of "smell the roses" and not "grease the twisties".
Paying attention here . . .
The 3 sisters are the more challenging than anything I have rode in N.C., Tenn area.
Not many bridges. The road follows the terrain.
If you hit one of the MANY dips too hard, you will bottom out.

Hard to believe it could be MORE technical than the Dragon.
My interest is peaked.
Bull are you riding to the RAA event or going the trailer route ? I remember you saying you were bringing some buddies along with you.

I be trying out a trailer to Enid, OK with my brother and brother in law.
We shall then hook up with Skydog1000 and two others in Enid for the 300+ mile ride to Marble Falls.
Should be like 6 riders.
Seriously, do not underestimate those b!tches.
Your best of skill and attention IS required.

Thanks, Amigo.
If/when I ride that area, I shall heed these warnings - don't want no mo crashes!
Thanks, Morris and others.
So the approach is one of "smell the roses" and not "grease the twisties".
Paying attention here . . .

Grease may be applied, but in judicious amounts. There are plenty of open vista type twisties, etc that are not blind, but a lot that are as well. You've been on two wheels long enough to know the difference, just mentioning it is all. TexCav (RIP) went down on the sisters when we were all down there a couple years ago, but he wasn't anywhere close to your experience or skill so not really a fair comparison. The single biggest concern I have when riding that area is critters. Everything from giraffe's to feral hogs...and that isn't a stretch. Lots of exotic game ranches in the area and it's not unusual to come around a blind corner and have a zebra staring over the fence at you...sorta distracting. I also don't ride after sunset or even close to it if I have a choice. Deer are thick as flees on a dog's @ss. Last time we stayed in Leaky and when we woke every morning I would go outside and drink coffee while watching 150+ head of deer have their breakfast drifting through the pecan orchard about 20' off the back porch. This is definitely one of the "Must Do" rides in Texas so I wouldn't want to scare you off, but caution is advised on your first run through.
Grease may be applied, but in judicious amounts. There are plenty of open vista type twisties, etc that are not blind, but a lot that are as well. You've been on two wheels long enough to know the difference, just mentioning it is all. TexCav (RIP) went down on the sisters when we were all down there a couple years ago, but he wasn't anywhere close to your experience or skill so not really a fair comparison. The single biggest concern I have when riding that area is critters. Everything from giraffe's to feral hogs...and that isn't a stretch. Lots of exotic game ranches in the area and it's not unusual to come around a blind corner and have a zebra staring over the fence at you...sorta distracting. I also don't ride after sunset or even close to it if I have a choice. Deer are thick as flees on a dog's @ss. Last time we stayed in Leaky and when we woke every morning I would go outside and drink coffee while watching 150+ head of deer have their breakfast drifting through the pecan orchard about 20' off the back porch. This is definitely one of the "Must Do" rides in Texas so I wouldn't want to scare you off, but caution is advised on your first run through.

Tis sounding more fun all the time!
Camera at the ready?
Zebras? - No $hit?
Tis sounding more fun all the time!
Camera at the ready?
Zebras? - No $hit?
Zebras, antelope, bison llamas and other kinds of exotic animals only seen in the discovery channel, just keep an eye on the toad while looking at them:)
Zebras, antelope, bison llamas and other kinds of exotic animals only seen in the discovery channel, just keep an eye on the toad while looking at them:)

OK - I'll bite, Amigo . . .
"eye on the toad while looking at them" ?????????????????????????